Martin County court docket

INEZ — Judge Brett Butcher heard the following cases March 4 in Martin District Court:

Derek Brent Alley (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 10 mph over limit; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt: 1. Six-month diversion; 2. Dismissed, proof shown.

Joanne C. Cogar (arraignment) — Speeding 23 mph over limit: Previously taken care of (calendar order 3/3/25).

Donald R. Delong (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 26 mph over/greater; 2. Reckless driving; 3.Failure to register transfer of motor vehicle: 1. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine and court cost; 2. Pleaded guilty, concurrent with other charges; 3. Pleaded guilty, $50 fine, show cause 9/16/25 at 9:30 a.m., $218.

Jason Fields (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security first; no/expired registration plates: Pretrial conference 3/25/25 at 10 a.m.

William M. Hyden (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; license to be in possession; failure to wear seat belts: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 6/10/25 at 10 a.m.

Austin Lee Johnson (arraignment) — Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol, first; no operator’s/moped license: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 4/15/25 at 10 a.m., public defender appointed.

William Turner Lauffer (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 24 mph over limit; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Amended to 10 mph over, six-month diversion; 2-3. Dismissed, proof shown.

Daniel Lee Lowe (motion to revoke probation) — Receiving stolen property: Paid in full, community service completed, removed from docket.

Richard Michael Maynard (arraignment) — Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/substance, first, amended to DUI, fourth; prescription controlled substance not in original container, first: Preliminary hearing 3/18/25 at 11 a.m., public defender appointed.

Justin Andrew McKenzie (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 26 mph over/greater; 2. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Amended to 15 mph over, six month diversion; 2. Dismissed, proof shown.

Julie Miller (arraignment) — Criminal trespass, second degree: Bench warrant $500 cash.

Garland R. Mills, Jr. (motion hour-motion to revoke probation) — Receiving stolen property: Paid in full, community service completed, removed from docket.

Norma S. Moore (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 10 mph over limit; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Six-month diversion; 2-3. Dismissed, proof shown.

Charles Edward Spears (arraignment) — Prescription controlled substance not in original container, first; first-degree possession of controlled substance/drug unspecified, first offense: Preliminary hearing 3/18/25 at 11 a.m., public defender appointed.

Robert Dale Williamson (arraignment) — Possession of marijuana: Reset 4/15/25 at 9 a.m.

Elizabeth Horn (probation revocation hearing) — Hindering prosecution or apprehension, second degree: Six months inpatient treatment at Frontier. If she leaves or fails to complete treatment, notify the judge’s office.

Jimmy Dean Cornett (pretrial conference) — 1. Failure to wear seat belts; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. No/expired registration plates; 4. Improper display of registration plates; 5. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; 6. Failure to surrender revoked operator’s license: 1. Dismissed with warning; 2. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine and court cost, show cause 9/16/25 at 9:30 a.m.; 3-5. Dismissed; 6. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine.

Kassandra Danielle Hamilton (pretrial conference) — Improper registration plate; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; improper display of registration plates; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; failure to produce insurance card; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; license to be in possession; no operator’s/moped license: Reset 4/15/25 at 10 a.m.

Jamie Jude (pretrial conference) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first: Reset 5/27/25 at 10 a.m.

Roseanna Jude (pretrial conference) — Failure to wear seat belts; failure to produce insurance card; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first: Failure to appear.

Trevor Jude (pretrial conference) — 1. Unlawful imprisonment, second degree; 2. Assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), no visible injury; 3. Endangering the welfare of a minor; 4. Criminal mischief, third degree: Pleaded guilty, one year to serve probated over two years (credit for 18 days).

Trevor Jude (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), minor injury: Pleaded guilty, one year probated over two years on condition he complies with Cabinet recommendations, follows CARES & THRIVE recommendations, do not be at Dempsey or anywhere female subject is, mental health evaluation, anger management, credit time served 18 days.

Sinead Allyn McGinnis (pretrial conference) — Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Pleaded guilty, $25 fine and court cost, $188, show cause 9/16/25 at 9:30 a.m.

Earl Meek (pretrial conference) — Alcohol intoxication in a public place first and second offense: Reset 4/15/24 at 10 a.m.

James Newsome (pretrial conference) — 1. Obstructing governmental operations; 2. Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol); 3. Menacing; 4. Resisting arrest; 5. Terroristic threatening third degree: 1. Pleaded guilty, conditional dismissal, six months probated on condition he completes CARES program; 2-5. Dismissed.

Garnet Scott (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree (child abuse): Two-year diversion on condition she has no violations of law and follows all recommendations.

Floyd Ed Maynard (pretrial conference) — Sexual abuse, third degree: Reset 3/11/25 at 10 a.m., bond remains same.

   Doug Jude (review) — Criminal mischief, third degree: Reset 3/18/21 at 10:30 a.m.

Tyler Jude (motion to dismiss) — Overruled, set for scheduling hearing for further pleadings 3/18/25 at 10:30 a.m.

Mary Lynn Ayers (preliminary hearing) — Violation of air pollution standards and rules: Amended to criminal trespass, pleaded guilty, 90 days probated over two years, first, waived court cost.

Mary Lynn Ayers (preliminary hearing) — 1. Theft of services; 2. Resisting arrest:  1. Pleaded guilty, 90 days, probated over two years, waived court cost, amended to theft by unlawful taking, pay restitution $2,500 (AEP) through clerk’s office, begin paying restitution 9/16/25, to be paid in full by 3/4/27, review restitution 12/9/25 at 10 a.m.

Dotty Fletcher (preliminary hearing) — Wanton endangerment, first degree: Reset 3/25/25 at 10:30 a.m.

Marsha Lynn Fletcher (preliminary hearing) — Theft by unlawful taking all others $500 or more but under $10,000: Waived to grand jury.

Marsha Lynn Fletcher (preliminary hearing) — Knowingly exploiting adult person over $300; Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $1,000-$10,000: Waived to grand jury.

Barbara J. Gordon (preliminary hearing) — No/expired registration plates; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); possession of marijuana: Rocket Docket.

Cheryl A. Rogers (preliminary hearing) — Unlawful transaction with minor, first degree, III sex act, under 16: Probable cause, sent to grand jury.

Ricky L. Goble (change of plea) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine): Pleaded guilty, sentencing 4/17/25 at 10 a.m., diverted, supervised two years, defendant must complete substance abuse treatment recommended by DPP.

John Henry Jude (change of plea) — 1. First-degree possession of controlled substance/cocaine, first; 2. Possession of controlled substance, third degree (drug unspecified): 1. Two years; 2. Twelve months to run concurrent, probated supervised two years, reset 3/20/25 at 10 a.m.

Joshua Lee Mills (change of plea) — Burglary, third degree: Pleaded guilty, sentencing 4/17/25 at 10 a.m., three years, probated supervised three years, must complete inpatient rehab.

Lonnie Mitchell Pauley (change of plea) — 1. Enhancement trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense; 2. Enhancement trafficking in controlled substance, second degree, first offense; 3. Enhancement trafficking in controlled substance, third degree, first offense; 4. Enhancement, trafficking in marijuana less than 8 ounces, first offense; 5. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Pleaded guilty, sentencing 4/17/25 at 10 a.m.: 1. Three years; 2. Three years; 3-4. Dismissed; 5. Twelve months, to run concurrent. Probated supervised for three years, forfeit cash and firearm.

William Preece (change of plea) — 1. Traffic in marijuana, less than 8 ounces, first offense; 2. Wanton endangerment, first degree; 3. Operating motor vehicle under influence of controlled substance, first; 4. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 5. Reckless driving; 6. Terroristic threatening, third degree: Pleaded guilty, sentencing 4/17/25 at 10 a.m.; 1. Three years; 2. Three years; 3. Two days, ADE, loss of license, fines/fees; 4. Twelve months; 5. $25 fine; 6. Twelve months, diverted supervised three years, no contact with Scottie Thompson.

Christopher Ratliff (change of plea) — Bail jumping, first degree: Amended to bail jumping, pleaded guilty, waived formal sentencing, 12 months probated.

Randall Bowen (motion to reduce bond) — Criminal mischief, first degree; persistent felony offender, second degree; unauthorized use of motor vehicle, first offense: Denied.

Ray Carter Jr. (motion to revoke probation) — Bench warrant, no bond.

Carl Daniels Jr. (motion to revoke probation) — Agreed graduated sanctions, order entered.

Forrest Hinkle Jr. (motion to dismiss) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs, etc., first offense; possession of controlled substance, third degree (drug unspecified); possession of marijuana; possession of open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle; drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; failure to produce insurance card; failure to wear seat belts; reckless driving: Dismissed.

Justin Mollette (motion to withdraw Alford plea) — Complicity theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others, $10,000-$1,000,000: Reset 3/20/25 at 10 a.m.

Donald K. Harris (motion to revoke probation) — Reset 5/1/25 at 10 a.m.

Joseph C. Jude (motion to revoke probation) — Set for preliminary hearing 3/20/25.

Joseph C. Jude (motion to revoke probation) — Set for preliminary hearing 3/20/25.

Joseph C. Jude (motion to revoke probation) — Set for preliminary hearing 3/20/25.

Joseph C. Jude (other hearing-motion to revoke probation) — Set for preliminary hearing 3/20/25.

Brandy Muncy (motion to set aside PTD) — Set for hearing 3/20/25.

Ronda Salmons (other hearing) — Wanton endangerment, first degree; assault, third degree (police/probation officer identification); assault, third degree (police/probation officer identification); assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), minor injury; menacing: Pending competency report, set for pretrial 4/17/25 at 11 a.m.

James Hackney (status hearing) — Complicity burglary, second degree: Pretrial, conflict counsel has to be retained for other co-defendants.

Elizabeth Horn (status hearing) — Receiving stolen property $1,000-$10,000; possession of controlled substance, first degree/fentanyl: Conflict, counsel obtained Tim Parker, pretrial today.

Garland Mills (status hearing) — Complicity burglary, second degree; criminal mischief, third degree: Conflict, counsel obtained, Tanner Hesterberg, pretrial today.

Garland Mills (status hearing) — Bail jumping, first degree: Conflict, counsel obtained, Tanner Hesterberg, pretrial today.

Jimmy Dale Maynard (review) — Strangulation, second degree (domestic violence-related); assault, fourth degree (minor injury); terroristic threatening, third degree: No action taken on change of treatment provider.

Jamie Boyd (probation revocation hearing-motion to revoke probation) — Agreed graduated sanctions.

Gary Jude (probation revocation hearing) — Agreed graduated sanctions.

Brian Dale Lowe (probation revocation hearing) — Reset 3/20/25 at 10 a.m.

Harvey Lowery (probation revocation hearing) — Reset 3/20/25 at 10.

Harvey Lee Lowery (probation revocation hearing) — Reset 3/20/25 at 10 a.m.

Christopher Marcum (probation revocation hearing) — Agreed graduated sanctions.

Jason Mollett (probation revocation hearing) — Agreed graduated sanctions.

Jason Mollett (revocation hearing) — Withdrawn, defendant completed inpatient treatment with Frontier.

Bryan Moore (probation revocation hearing) — Withdrawn.

Bryan Moore (probation revocation hearing) — Withdrawn.

Jeremy Jarvis (motion for shock probation) — Reset 3/20/25, transport order entered.

Jeremy Jarvis (motion for shock probation) — Reset 3/20/25, transport order entered.

Jeremy Jarvis (motion for shock probation) — Reset 3/20/25, transport order entered.

Andrew J. Vogeler (motion for shock probation) — Under advisement.

Eric Bowens (sentencing) — 1. Assault, third degree (EMS, fire, rescue squad); 2. Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol, first; 3. Fleeing or evading police, second degree (on foot); 4. Resisting arrest; 5. Possess open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle: 1. Four years, probated four years, referral to mental health court; 2-5. Dismissed.

Austin Jackson (sentencing) — Bail jumping, first degree: Five years to run consecutively to Martin 23-CR-40, 23-C4-41 and 24-CR-17 for a total of 30 years to serve, Commonwealth to tender judgment and sentence.

Austin Jackson (sentencing) — Bail jumping, first degree: Five years to run consecutive to Martin 23-CR-40, 23-CR-4 and 24-CR-16 for total of 30 years to serve.

Austin T. Jackson (sentencing) — 1. Rape, second degree (mentally incapacitated); 2. Unlawful transaction with minor, second degree: 1. Five years; 2. Five years to run consecutively to each other and to Martin 23-CR-41, 24-CR-16 and 24-CR-17 for total of 30 years to serve.

Austin T. Jackson (sentencing) — 1. Rape, second degree (mentally incapacitated); 2. Unlawful transaction with minor, second degree: 1. Five years; 2. Five years to run consecutively to each other and to Martin 23-CR-40, 24-CR-16 and 24-CR-17 for a total of 30 years to serve.

Harlan Jude (sentencing) — 1. Assault, third degree, police/probation officer, identification; 2. Fleeing or evading police, third degree; 3.  Escape, third degree; 4. Resisting arrest; 5. Menacing; 6. Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol).  1. Five years; 2. Twelve months; 3. Ninety days; 4. Twelve months; 5. Ninety days; 6. Ninety days to run concurrently. Sentences probated unsupervised three years.

Dennis Allen Maynard (sentencing) — Burglary, third degree: Three years to run concurrently to Martin 24-CR-21, consecutively to Boyd 24-CR-75, $100, 180 days.

Dennis Allen Maynard (sentencing) — 1. Assault, second degree; 2. Criminal trespass, second degree: 1. Amended to assault under extreme emotional disturbance, three years; 2. Ninety days. Sentences to run concurrently to each other and to Martin 24-CR-19 but consecutively to Boyd 24-CR-75, $100, 180 days.

Johnny Moore (sentencing) — 1. Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense; 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: 1. Amended to possession of controlled substance, first degree, three years; 2. Twelve months. Sentences probated unsupervised three years.

Cody Spears (sentencing) — 1. Convicted felon in possession of firearm; 2. Possession of marijuana: 1. Three years; 2. Forty-five days, $100, 180 days, probated supervised five years, to run concurrently.

Scottie Thompson (sentencing) — 1. Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess: 1. Three years; 2. Twelve months, probated unsupervised three years to run concurrent to Martin 24-CR-49, judgment and sentence order entered.

Scottie Thompson (sentencing) — 1. First-degree possession of controlled substance/cocaine, first offense; 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess: 1. Three years; 2. Twelve months, probated unsupervised three years, to run concurrently to Martin 23-CR-100.

Harvey Lee Lowery (report-final) — Pretrial today, jury trial set 3/24/25.

Garland C. Spence (report-final) — Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Reset final report 3/20/25, jury trial 3/24/25.

Garland C. Spence (report-final) — Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Reset 3/20/25, jury trial 3/24/25.

Garland C. Spence (report-final) — Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Reset 3/20/25, jury trial 3/24/25.

Garland C. Spence (report-final) — Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Reset 3/20/25, jury trial 3/24/25.

Garland C. Spence (report-final) — Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Reset 3/20/25, jury trial 3/24/25.

Joe Allen Evans (arraignment) — Assault, second degree, domestic violence; persistent felony offender, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 4/17/25 at 11 a.m., bond $10,000 cash previously posted, Zoom BSRDC.

Joe Allen Evans (other hearing) — First-degree possession of controlled substance/cocaine, first offense; possession of marijuana: $5,000 surety with home incarceration.

Harlan Jude (arraignment) — Bail jumping, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 4/17/25, bond $5,000 surety.

Brian Dale Lowe (arraignment) — Fleeing/evading police second degree; wanton endangerment, first degree, police officer; disregarding stop sign; careless driving; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 4/17/25 at 11 a.m.


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