America has given Ukraine a lot of money. Does anyone really know? President Trump recently said $350 billion while other sources say we have spent less than $200 billion. A billion dollars is a billion dollars. Hundreds of billions of dollars mean Americans across our country are being taxed hard-earned dollars to send to another country for the purpose of financially underwriting their war.
The Beatles sang “Can’t Buy Me Love,” but apparently you can buy some fake friends for a while. When the money ceases then the love and friendship you bought speedily goes away.
If we don’t write big checks to countries like Ukraine, then they get mad really quickly and for some reason, we become the bad guys. What happens when we totally run out of money? Our national debt is $36 trillion. Who will rescue us when we go bankrupt and there is no Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid? No one will come to save us.
Approximately 58,220 Americans were killed in the Vietnam War. This number includes battle and non-battle-related deaths. The Vietnam War cost around $111 billion in 1968—dollars equivalent to approximately $800 billion in today’s dollars. The war lasted about 15 years. What does our country have to show for $800 billion and almost 60,000 lives? A lot of graves and a lot of veterans with PTSD.
The war in Afghanistan cost America approximately $2.3 trillion from 2001 to 2022. This includes money we spent in Afghanistan and Pakistan but does not account for the cost of lifetime care for veterans. Some estimates suggest the total cost could be higher, ranging from $4 trillion to $6 trillion when including long-term medical care and disability compensation. Plus, we spent over $68 million on a second runway at Bagram Airfield in 2006, making it the best and strongest runway in that part of the world.
In the 1960s we built the Kandahar International Airport, which cost us over $15 million. Who are the people using these airports today? A lot of Americans have suffered to pay big tax bills while our government plays Santa Claus.
It’s a great idea to ask Ukraine to pay back the billions we have given to them. The idea of America having access to their land and a vast resource of minerals sounds appealing. Financially
it sounds like it would be worth mega billions and would supply us with badly needed resources. However, how many roads and bridges will we have to build? How big will our military presence have to become to protect American citizens who will go to work the land? A military presence in Afghanistan could only mean the possibility of altercations with Russia’s army which would escalate into America becoming head and shoulders into a full-scale war with Russia.
Putin can’t be trusted as far as you can throw the car sitting in your driveway. A growing presence in Ukraine by America will eventually mean fighting to protect our interests in that
country. Such a land deal with Ukraine sounds like a good deal but has the potential of becoming a very bad deal.
Unfortunately, after last week’s Oval Office disaster between Zelenskyy, President Trump and Vice-President Vance there may never be a deal.
If Russia eventually topples Ukraine, Putin won’t be making any deals or paying anyone anything back and we may be buying our bread from him.
Dr. Glenn Mollette is the author of American Issues and Uncommon Sense, which is available via all book dealers.