Protecting yourself and your community by ensuring you are up-to-date on the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine.
Measles is highly contagious, but you can be protected by getting the MMR vaccine.
How to check your vaccine status:
• Check your immunization records through your doctor or local health department
• Look for childhood vaccine records or school immunization forms
• Check online through the KYIR Public Portal: chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dph/dehp/idb/Pages/kyirportal.aspx
How to get vaccinated:
Visit your local health department or doctor’s office
For more information on measles:
If you have any questions or need to schedule a vaccine, call us at Martin County Health Department at 606-298-7752.
Dorothy Dillon is the Health Program and Outreach Manager at the Martin County Health Department.