Valentine’s Day is almost here and how many Valentines will you have? In elementary school we traded Valentine’s cards. We actually had a big box and we stuffed it full of Valentine’s cards to our classmates. If we received 20 or 30 Valentine’s cards then we felt good because we had a lot of Valentines.
You may or may not receive many cards this year if any at all. Nice cards are expensive, as are flowers, candy and dinners. Whether you receive a Valentine’s card or not doesn’t determine the number of people in your life you care about or who care about you.
Some people may determine their self-worth by how many friends they have on social media. Are they really your friends? Possibly you go to church with a lot of people you care about and who care about you. Maybe you still have several family members you are close to and who love you and you love them.
We have so much hate in the world. Political parties are filled with hate. Many Democrats hate President Donald Trump. Many Republicans hate former President Joe Biden. Some Republicans and Democrats hate each other. There are some people who hate Elon Musk. Some people hate or love the Philadelphia Eagles.
People hate former husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends.
Hate is obvious in the world. In many of our major cities there is a murder every day. Too often more than one.
What does hate accomplish? It’s a very negative emotion that has negative results. Someone often gets hurt where hate is involved. Hate hurts the hater. It does not create a spring of well-being and joy. Hate cuts deep within us and our bodies don’t react positively to this long-term dark emotion.
There is a line of demarcation. The Jewish people who had loved ones raped and murdered by Hamas don’t feel loving toward Hamas. The citizens of Ukraine don’t feel loving toward Putin and Russia. We surely understand their feelings.
Yet, somehow and some way in this life we have to find a way to rise above and soar higher. It’s not always easy to love, but love covers a multitude of sins.
I don’t know how Jesus could love me. All my sins put him on the cross. Yet, over and over again, the Bible tells me that God loves me and for what reason? I have done nothing to deserve his love.
Try to show and tell more people you love them. Call some people this week and tell them you love them. Tell some Democrats and Republicans you love them. Tell some sinners you love them. You never know. Some of the love you give just might come back to you.
When Mary anointed Jesus in the Bible, the entire house could smell the perfume. Jesus had the perfume all over him, but Mary also had the perfume all over her. Love anoints others but often we end up anointed as much as the ones to whom we extended love.
Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools, including Georgetown College, Southern and Lexington Seminaries in Kentucky. He is the author of 13 books and his column is published in all 50 states. Visit Dr. Glenn Mollette online at glennmollette.com. Find his books on amazon.com and stream his music on all streaming platforms.