Love God, hate sin

He was a scientist, a sculptor, an engineer, a painter, a philosopher, a musician and a man who historians say will never again be endowed with as many God-given gifts. One of his greatest works was that of the “Last Supper.” I am speaking of Leonardo da Vinci.

This painting is a work of art and what is interesting about it is the expressions of the disciples when they are told that one of them would betray Jesus. What you may not know about this painting is that da Vinci painted real people with expressions in 1495.

When he was painting the face of Christ he sought long and hard for the right face. In one of the churches in Italy he found a boy named Pietro Bandinelli. His face became the focal point of the painting. Yet in 1498 all the disciples’ faces were painted except one: Judas Iscariot. Da Vanci needed one that had the miseries of SIN all over it.

After a long and hard search he found the man and da Vinci stated his face made him shudder. He asked the man his name and this man stated, “I am Pietro Bandinelli, the one who you painted three years ago.” What happened? Sin.

Sin will take you farther than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay.

Those who follow Jesus are called sheep by the Lord in John Chapter 10. Why did Jesus use sheep to describe His children? For one thing sheep don’t bark. They just bleet. Sheep don’t bite. They are not aggressive. Sheep don’t fight, not even to defend themselves. Sheep don’t kill for food. They eat grass and shrubs. Sheep follow their shepherd. They will even know the voice of their shepherd so well that they will follow him even when passing through other sheep. Sheep are obedient to their shepherd and trust Him exclusively to all others.

Sheep are useful not only for their wool to keep people warm but also their meat is a delicacy. So sheep keep people warm and fed. Sheep are weak therefore they are social and need each other for safety. A sheep that wanders from the flock is prey for wolves.

It is no wonder Jesus described His followers as sheep. All the characteristics for sheep are the characteristics of a follower of Jesus Christ.

There is one more thing, though, about sheep. The most interesting thing about sheep is that they can’t stand the mud. They may step into mud accidentally but they won’t stay in it very long. They don’t like it. As a matter of fact sheep hate mud.

As a follower of Christ we may step into sin either by choice or accident, but we don’t like being there. We hate sin and we quickly ask for forgiveness and avoid it in the future.

Sheep and mud don’t mix. A Christian and sin do not mix. A Christian may get dirty from time to time but they don’t like it and will avoid it at all costs.

Now on the other hand a pig loves the mud! They look for it; they love being in it. They don’t want to leave it. Farmers never mix sheep and pigs together because they have nothing in common.

If you call yourself a Christian and you enjoy sin, you like staying in sin, don’t repent of sin and don’t want to confess your sin, then you should examine yourself. The Bible says that “the sow that was washed (returns) to her wallowing in the mire.” 2 Peter 2:22. You are what you are.

God’s people sin for sure and no Christian is perfect but we should hate our sin.

The lyrics to a song by Mylon Lefevere says it well: “I’m gonna love God, hate sin, refuse to lose and live to win.”

Listen to Pastor Jack’s sermons on the way to church every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on 98.9 WSIP FM. To read more of Pastor Jack Ward’s articles and hear his sermons at Tomahawk Missionary Baptist Church go to Watch his sermons on his Facebook page. Find him on Rumble, Bitchute and Brighteon video platforms.


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