Circuit Court
INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Dec. 19 in Martin Circuit Court:
Joy Armes (change of plea) — Trafficking in a controlled substance, first offense: Pleaded guilty, probation unsupervised five years, forfeit all items seized by law enforcement, including cash, sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Joy Armes (change of plea) — Bail jumping, first: Amended to bail jumping, second, pleaded guilty, sentencing 2/6/25/ at 10 a.m., time served.
Robert Drenning (change of plea) — 1. Convicted felon in possession of a firearm; 2. Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 3. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: 1. Dismissed; 2. Pleaded guilty, three years; 3. Pleaded guilty, 12 months probated for two years, supervised, sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Forrest Hinkle Jr. (change of plea) — 1. Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. Operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs etc., first offense; 3. Possession of a controlled substance, third degree, drug unspecified; 4. Possession of marijuana; 5. Possession of an open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle; 6. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 7. Failure to produce an insurance card; 8. Failure to wear seat belts; 9. Reckless driving: 1. Two years; 2. Two days, loss of license, ADE course, fines and cost; 3. Twelve months; 4. Forty-five days; 5. Dismissed; 6. Twelve months; 7-9. Dismissed. Sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Austin Jackson (change of plea) — Bail jumping, first degree: Five years consecutive to 23-CR-41 and 24-CR-17, total 30 years, sentencing 3/26/25 at 10 a.m.
Austin Jackson (change of plea) — Bail jumping, first degree: Five years consecutive to 23-CR-40, 23-CR-41, and 24-CR-16, total 30 years, sentencing 3/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Austin T. Jackson (change of plea) — 1. Rape, second degree (mentally incapacitated); 2. Unlawful transaction with minor, second degree: 1. Five years; 2. Five years, consecutive to each other and 23-CR-40, 24-CR-16, and 24-CR-17, total 30 years. Sentencing 3/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Austin Jackson (change of plea) — 1. Rape, second degree (mentally incapacitated); 2. Unlawful transaction with minor, second degree: 1. Five years; 2. Five years, to run consecutive to each other and 23-CR-41, 24-CR-16 and 24-CR-17, for total 30 years. Sentencing 3/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Dennis Allen Maynard (change of plea) — Burglary, third degree: Three years, concurrent to Martin 24-CR-21 but consecutive to Boyd 24-CR-75, sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Dennis Allen Maynard (change of plea) — 1. Assault, second degree; 2. Criminal trespass, second degree: 1. Amended to assault under emotional disturbance, three years; 2. Ninety days, concurrent to each other and Martin 24-CR-19 but consecutive to Boyd 24-CR-75, sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Anthony Muncy (change of plea) — 1. First-degree possession of a controlled substance/opiate, first; 2. Possession of a controlled substance, second degree, barbiturate; 3. Operating a motor vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance, first: 1. Two years; 2. Twelve months; 3. Two days, loss of license, ADE, fines/costs, diverted, supervised two years and defendant shall complete any course of substance abuse treatment recommended by DPP. Defendant shall forfeit all cash and firearms seized by law enforcement. Sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Danielle Pack (change of plea) — 1. Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. First-degree possession of a controlled substance/opiate, first offense; 3. Possession of a controlled substance, third degree, drug unspecified; 4. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 5. Prescription of a controlled substance not in original container, first: 1. Two years; 2. Two years, supervised two years. Sentences run concurrently; 3-5. Dismissed. Sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Eric Sartin (change of plea) — 1. Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: 1. Two years; 2. Twelve months, diverted for two year years, defendant shall complete any course of substance abuse treatment recommended by DPP, sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Randall Bowen (motion to reduce bond) — Overruled.
Timothy Ramey (hearing) — Agreed graduated sanctions.
Jeremy Jarvis (motion for shock probation) — Overruled.
Fred T. Daniels (motion for shock probation) — Overruled.
Jeremy Jarvis (motion for shock probation) — Overruled.
Jeremy Jarvis (motion for shock probation) — Overruled.
Harlan Jude (other hearing) — 1. Assault, third degree, police/probation officer; 2. Fleeing or evading police, third degree; 3. Escape, third degree; 4. Resisting arrest; 5. Menacing; 6. Public intoxication of a controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Pleaded guilty. 1. Five years; 2. Twelve months; 3. Ninety days; 4. Twelve months; 5. Ninety days; 6. Ninety days. Probation unsupervised for three years, no further violation of law. Sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m.
Jimmy Castle Jr. (probation revocation hearing) — Stipulate to violations.
Ronald Chadwick Crum (probation revocation hearing) — Agreed graduated sanctions.
Barbara Gordon (diversion completion) — Dismissed.
Joshua Mayhan (diversion completion) — Dismissed.
Anthony S. Osborne (diversion completion) — Dismissed; 20-CR-68 dismissed; 20-CR-118 dismissed.
Michael Baisden (sentencing) — 1. Wanton endangerment, first degree; 2. Terroristic threatening, third degree: 1. Two years; 2. Twelve months. Diverted unsupervised for two years, defendant shall have no contact with James Gillman, his family or his property, defendant shall keep his dog under control.
Paul Brewer (sentencing) — Bail jumping, first degree: One and one-half years, to run concurrent to Martin 24-CR-70.
Paul Brewer (sentencing) — Bail jumping, first degree: One and one-half years, to run concurrent to Martin 24-CR-19.
Clancy Fields Jr. (sentencing) — 1. Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 3. Giving officer false identifying information: 1. Two years; 2. Twelve months; 3. Ninety days, probation supervised for two years. The defendant shall enroll/complete any course of substance abuse treatment recommended by DPP.
Jeffrey Looney (sentencing) — 1. Fleeing or evading police, first degree (on foot); 2. Escape, third degree; 3. Resisting arrest; 4. Terroristic threatening, third degree; 5. Alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second offense: 1. Amended to fleeing second, three years; 2. Ninety days; 3. Twelve months; 4. Twelve months; 5. Twenty-five dollar fine. Sentences run concurrent, probation supervised for three years. The defendant shall complete substance abuse treatment program through ARC, where he is currently enrolled.
Timothy W. Roberts (sentencing) — 1. Escape, second degree, identify facility; 2. Fleeing/evading police first degree, amended to fleeing/evading, second: Five years to run concurrently. The defendant shall complete at least 180 days of inpatient substance abuse treatment.
Joseph L. Stevens (sentencing) — Wanton endangerment, first degree (4 counts): Five years on each to run concurrently for total of five years. Supervised probation for three years, the defendant shall serve 365 days of house incarceration, the defendant shall be permitted to attend work, must follow court orders and have no contact with victim/property.
Frankie Maynard (arraignment) — Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 2/6/25 at 11 a.m.
Brandon Parsons (arraignment) — First-degree possession of a controlled substance/heroin, first offense; drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Pleaded not guilty, set for change of plea 1/16/25 at 10 a.m.
John Slone (arraignment) — Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 2/6/25 at 11 a.m.
John Slone (arraignment) — Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 2/6/25 at 11 a.m.
John Slone (arraignment) — Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 2/6/25 at 11 a.m.
Keith Wiley (arraignment) — Bail jumping, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 2/6/25 at 11 a.m.
Lacy Scott (arraignment) — Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Pleaded not guilty, set for change of plea, 1/16/25 at 10 a.m.
Clayton Muncy (arraignment) — Fleeing or evading police, first degree; fleeing or evading police, first degree (on foot); wanton endangerment, first degree, police officer; criminal mischief, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 2/6/25 at 11 a.m.
District Court
INEZ — Judge John T. Chafin heard the following cases Dec. 17 in Martin District Court:
Helene Davis (motion for sanctions) — Alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second offense: Reset to 1/14/25 at 9:30 a.m., if defendant is in treatment, she does not need to appear.
Andy Clark (pretrial conference) — Careless driving; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Reset for 3/25/25 at 9 a.m.
Raymond Eugene Keeton Jr. (pretrial conference) — Public intoxication of a controlled substance (excludes alcohol); menacing; criminal trespassing, second degree: Bench warrant recalled, pretrial conference 1/14/25 at 9 a.m.
Sonny A. Keeton (pretrial conference) — Menacing; criminal trespassing, second degree: Bench warrant recalled, pretrial conference reset 1/14/25 at 9 a.m.
James Hubert Lee Presley (review for proof of garbage payment) — Show cause 1/14/25 at 9 a.m.
Carmel Stacy (pretrial conference) — No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; no/expired registration plates; improper display of registration plates; license to be in possession; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; failure to produce insurance card; failure to register transfer of motor vehicle; failure to wear seat belts; improper registration plate: Reset 3/11/25 at 9 a.m.
Carmel Stacy (pretrial conference) — No/expired registration plates; failure to owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; failure to produce insurance card; improper equipment: Reset 3/11/25 at 9 a.m.
Carmel Stacy (pretrial conference) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Reset 3/11/25 at 9 a.m.
Joe Allen Evans (preliminary hearing) — Assault, second degree, domestic violence: Reset 12/20/24 at 9 a.m., Martin County Sheriff shall transport to Floyd County jail and return for court on 12/20/24. Mike Curtis represents the defendant, unable to be here today.
Shonda Crum (preliminary hearing) — Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); possession of marijuana; possession of a controlled substance, third degree, drug unspecified; drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Rocket Docket.
Ernest P. Jarvis (preliminary hearing) — Burglary, second degree; criminal mischief, second degree; menacing; resisting arrest: Preliminary hearing reset for 1/14/25 at 10:30 a.m.
Brian Dale Lowe (preliminary hearing) — Fleeing or evading police, first degree (motor vehicle); wanton endangerment, first degree, police officer; careless driving; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first: Probable cause, bound to grand jury.
Paul T. Mullins (preliminary hearing) — 1. License to be in possession; 2. Giving officer false identifying information; 3. Theft of identity of another without consent; 4. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Dismissed in exchange for plea; 2. Dismissed in exchange for plea; 3. Amended to attempt theft of identity of another without consent, pleaded guilty, 12 months probated 24 months; 4. Dismissed in exchange for plea.
Timothy Stacy (preliminary hearing) — Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); public intoxication of a controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Rocket Docket.