INEZ — Martin County Sheriff John Kirk’s Office reported the following arrests:

Ethan Cole Hensley, 22, of Pilgrim, was arrested Monday on Jeff Jude Road in Pilgrim on a warrant from Martin District Court.

Randall Scott Bowen, 30, of Martha, was arrested Sunday on Route 40 in Warfield on an indictment warrant. Special Deputy J.C. Kirk made the arrest.

Rebecca Lynne Anderson, 44, homeless, was arrested Saturday on Evans Hill in Lovely on bench warrants from Boyd County. Special Deputy Kirk made the arrest.

Cassandra Booth, 30, of Warfield, was arrested Saturday on Route 292 for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. According to Special Deputy Kirk, Booth crossed the double yellow line into the other lane multiple times while driving on Route 292 and failed the sobriety test.

Justin Fletcher, 35, of Pippa Passes, was arrested Friday on KY-40 in Tomahawk for driving on a DUI-suspended license and prescription controlled substance not in a proper container. Chief Deputy Kidd reported that Fletcher was involved in a two-vehicle non-injury accident at Family Foods in Tomahawk. While investigating the officer determined Fletcher’s license had been DUI-suspended. The police report states the suspect had a suboxone strip in his pocket not in a proper container.
William E. Moore, 52, of Louisa, was arrested Nov. 7 on Court Street, Inez, on a bench warrant from Lawrence Circuit Court. Deputy Dennis Hall served the warrant.

Edward Lynn Moore, 65, of Inez, was arrested Nov. 7 on a bench warrant.

Barbara Jean Gordon, 44, of Debord, was arrested Nov. 7 on Route 40/ East Main Street, Inez, for no registration plates, failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), and possession of marijuana.
Sheriff Kirk arrested Gordon after pulling her over for expired tags and drifting over the center line. Sheriff Kirk reported that during the stop, Gordon retrieved marijuana and methamphetamine from her purse.

George Dalton, 27, of Tomahawk, and Sinead Allyn McGinnis, 33, of Inez, were arrested Nov. 7 for public intoxication-controlled substance after a single-car accident on Route 40 in Beauty.
When Special Deputy J.C. Kirk arrived, Dalton and McGinnis were standing outside a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire. Kirk could not establish who had been driving. The deputy noted that both were visibly impaired, with slurred speech and unsteady footing, and neither could complete a sobriety test.
Brian Michael Dean, 48, of Stambaugh, was arrested Nov. 6 on North Milo, Tomahawk, for reckless driving and operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/substance. Sheriff Kirk reported that Stambaugh was halfway across the yellow line in his vehicle creating a danger to other motorists. The sheriff reported a strong odor of marijuana and noted Dean’s failure to complete a sobriety test or follow instructions. Dean allegedly admitted to smoking THC earlier but refused a blood test.

George English, 53, of Warfield, was arrested Nov. 6 at Groundhog Hollow, Warfield, for setting a fire on his own land without taking precautions, public intoxication-controlled substance (excludes alcohol), possession of a controlled substance, and prescription controlled substance not in a proper container.
Sheriff Kirk arrested English after the suspect set a fire on his land and let it get out of control. The sheriff stated there was a countywide burn ban at the time.
When law enforcement arrived English had slurred speech and was unsteady on his feet, stating he had taken suboxone, the sheriff said. English had 10 naloxone in a baggie in his pocket but could not produce a valid prescription.

Danny Mollett, 46, of Tomahawk, was arrested Nov. 6 on Trace Fork after allegedly wandering into the road while under the influence.
Sheriff Kirk responded to reports of an impaired man in the roadway and found Mollett at a nearby residence where the homeowner asked for his removal.
Mollett appeared “very hyper,” admitting he had taken suboxone, according to Sheriff Kirk.
Police records show Mollett had filled a 14-dose suboxone prescription just two days earlier, but only three pills remained. Mollett allegedly told the sheriff he had been taking more than the prescribed dose.
Jessica Terry, 38, of Meally, was arrested Nov. 6 on Milo Road, Inez, on two bench warrants. Deputy Kidd made the arrest.