INEZ — Judge John T. Chafin heard the following cases Oct. 21 and Oct. 22 in Martin District Court:
Judy Barton (arraignment) — Local county ordinance: One-year diversion, maintain garbage service with Vanover Sanitation, DCPT 10/7/25.
Erica Blevins (arraignment) — Local county ordinance: Dismissed.
Xenia Marie Bowen (arraignment) — Alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second offense: Allegations taken as true, $25 fine, cost, show cause 4/8/25.
Ricky G. Bragg (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to produce insurance card: Failure to appear, bench warrant $500 cash.
Andy Clark (arraignment) — 1. Careless driving; 2. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; 3. Failure to produce insurance card; 4. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt: 1-2. Pleaded not guilty; 3-4. Dismissed.
David R. Copley (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates, amended to 1890; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt: Failure to appear.
Crystal Dials (arraignment) — 1. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 2. No/expired registration plates: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 12/3/24 at 9 a.m.; 24-TP381 (recall failure to appear).
Steven L. Farnham (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; improper display of registration plates: Order.
Jason Fields (arraignment) — Failure to wear seat belts; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Failure to appear.
Trina Anne Fitzpatrick (arraignment) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt: Pleaded not guilty; pretrial conference 11/19/24 at 9 a.m.
Cody R. Gullett (arraignment) — No tail lamps; rear license not illuminated: Order.
Shawn David Hager (arraignment) — Careless driving: Order.
Donna Hall (arraignment) — Careless driving: Order.
Harold Lee Hall (arraignment) — Operating vehicle with expired operator’s license: Failure to appear.
James W. Harless (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Pleaded guilty, $100 fine, cost, show cause 4/8/25.
James T. Harmon (arraignment) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. License to be in possession; 3. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; 4. Improper display of registration plates: Dismissed.
Tyler Hayes (arraignment) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $1,000-$10,000: Bench warrant $5,000 cash.
Paul Hinkle (arraignment) — Operating vehicle with expired operator’s license: Failure to appear.
James Manier (arraignment) — Terroristic threatening, first degree: Bench warrant $5,000 cash.
Brittany Marcum (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Failure to appear.
James A. Moore (arraignment) — All-terrain vehicle violations; careless driving; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 12/3/24 at 9 a.m.
Kevin Muncy (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; improper display of registration plates; improper registration plate; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; failure to produce insurance card; failure to surrender revoked operator’s license; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; license to be in possession: Failure to appear.
Therese Nance (arraignment) — 1. Careless driving; 2. Failure to produce insurance card; 3. Possession of open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle: 1. Six-month diversion, DCPT 4/8/25; 2. Dismissed proof shown; 3. Six-month diversion, DCPT 4/8/25.
Bernice Perry (arraignment) — Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; no/expired registration plates; speeding 10 mph over limited; failure to use child restraint device in vehicle: Failure to appear.
Samuel R. Preston (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; improper display of registration plates; failure to produce insurance card; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; license to be in possession; no operator’s/moped license; all-terrain vehicle violations: Failure to appear.
Teri L. Sammons (arraignment) — 1. Failure to or improper signal; 2. No/expired registration plates; 3. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 4. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: 1. Pleaded not guilty; 2-3. Dismissed proof shown; 4. Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 2/25/25 at 9 a.m.
Dennie Skaggs Jr. (arraignment) — Failure to pay excise tax imposed: Dismissed.
Edward Speer (arraignment) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 11/19/24 at 9 a.m.
Carmel Stacy (arraignment) — 1. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; 2. No/expired registration plates; 3. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 4. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Pleaded not guilty; 2-4. Dismissed proof shown; 23-T-303 (recall failure to appear) set for pretrial conference 12/17/24 at 9 a.m.; 23-T-292 (recall failure to appear) set for pretrial 12/17/24 at 9 a.m.
Kathern Stepp (arraignment) — Criminal trespassing, third degree: Allegations taken as true, $100 fine, cost, stay out of Quail Hollow Apartments, show cause 4/8/25.
Marcus D. Thompson (arraignment) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition auto $10,000-$1,000,000: Previously indicted.
Dylan Thomas Tomblin (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; no operator’s/moped license; speeding 19 mph over limit: Failure to appear.
Robert Dale Williamson (arraignment) — Possession of marijuana: Pleaded guilty, $50 fine, cost, show cause 4/8/25.
James Tyler Harmon (review) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Failure to produce insurance card; 4. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; 5. Failure to wear seat belt: 1-3. Dismissed; 4. Amended to failure to produce insurance card, pleaded guilty, $50 fine, cost, show cause 4/8/25; 5. Dismissed with warning.
James Tyler Harmon (review) — 1. Speeding 15 over limit; 2. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; 3. No operator’s/moped license; 4. License to be in possession; 5. Booster seat violations: 1. Six month diversion, DCPT 4/8/25; 2. Dismissed proof shown; 3. Dismissed proof shown; 4. Dismissed proof shown; 5. Six month diversion, DCPT 4/8/25.
Elwood Lindberg Robertson, II (review) — No/expired registration plates; 2. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 3. Failure to notify the Department of Transportation of address change; 4. No operator’s/moped license: 1-2. Pleaded guilty; 3. Dismissed; 4. Pleaded guilty, order previously entered to reset show cause.
Lacy Scott (review) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Reset preliminary hearing 11/19/24 at 10:30 a.m.
Jeffrey D. Bowen (pretrial conference) — Commerical driver license under influence of alcohol: Pleaded guilty, $200 fine and cost, loss of license to be determined by DOT, attend and complete ADE, show cause 10/7/25.
Timothy R. Cook (pretrial conference) — 1. No tail lamps; 2. Rear license not illuminated: Dismissed proof shown.
James P. Endicott (pretrial conference) — 1. Careless driving; 2. Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol, first; 3. Failure to notify address DOT of address change: 1. Dismissed; 2. Pleaded guilty, $200 fine, cost, loss of license to be determined by DOT, complete ADE, show cause 10/7/25; 3. Dismissed.
Martin Lee Gillespie (pretrial conference) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 4. Improper display of registration plates: 1-2. Dismissed; 3. Amended to failure to produce insurance card, pleaded guilty, $50 fine, cost, show cause 4/8/25; 4. Dismissed.
Elizabeth Horn (pretrial conference) — Hindering prosecution or apprehension, second degree: Bench warrant $500 cash.
James Long (pretrial conference) — Endangering the welfare of a minor: Bench warrant $500 cash, blanket bond all cases.
James G. Long (pretrial conference) — Rear license not illuminated; license to be in possession; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; failure to produce insurance card; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first: Bench warrant $500 cash, blanket bond all cases.
James G. Long (pretrial conference) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; leaving scene of accident/failure to render aid or assistance: Bench warrant $500 cash, blanket bond all cases.
Patricia L. Long (pretrial conference) — Endangering the welfare of a minor: Bench warrant $500 cash.
Marion Marcum (review) — Possession of controlled substance, third degree, drug unspecified: Compliant, review upon motion of the Commonwealth.
Brian Moore (pretrial conference) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 4. Failure to produce insurance card; 5. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s licensee: 1-2. Dismissed; 3. Pleaded guilty, 63 days to serve, credit time served 63 days; 4. Dismissed; 5. Pleaded guilty, 63 days to serve, credit time served 63 days, cost waived.
Bryan Moore (pretrial conference) — 1. Failure to or improper signal; 2. Rear license not illuminated; 3. Failure to wear seat belt; 4. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: 1-3. Dismissed; 4. Pleaded guilty, 63 days to serve, credit time served 63 days, cost waived.