INEZ — Martin County Sheriff John Kirk’s Office reported the following arrests:

Rondal Lee Endicott, 50, of Inez, was arrested Monday on a bench warrant.

Seth A. Hall, 27, and Shelby Rae Sizemore, 27, both of Debord, were arrested Monday at Blakemoor Flats Apartments on charges of fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) causing minor injury.
Deputy Bellamy responded to reports of a woman screaming and a baby crying, which could be heard from the roadway. Upon arrival, he observed lights on inside the residence and heard voices. The couple told the deputy they had been in a verbal altercation that turned physical.
Hall reported that Sizemore threw two cellphones, striking him in the face and arm. He added that the dispute spilled outside, where he grabbed Sizemore by the back of her shirt collar, causing her to fall.
Sizemore sustained a scrape on her forearm, while Hall had marks on his eye, face and arms. Sizemore alleged that Hall punched and slapped her in the face, which Hall denied. Both parties corroborated each other’s accounts of the incident.
Deputy Bellamy requested dispatch to notify the on-call DSS, as two juveniles were in the home. Family members arrived to take custody of the children.

Wendell Taylor Johnson, 25, of Inez, was arrested Saturday on Johnson Drive in Inez for receiving stolen property $1,000-$10,000.
Martin County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at Johnson’s residence intending to serve a warrant on another suspect. Johnson, the property owner, allowed deputies to search his home though the individual they sought was not there.
Deputy Justin Bellamy reported that upon pulling into Johnson’s driveway, officers spotted a substantial pile of stripped aluminum coating, apparently from cut phone lines. Further inspection revealed additional piles of stripped aluminum in the backyard and in a crawl space. The officers also found hundreds of feet of black plastic sheathing from phone lines in the backyard. They observed three burn pits along the side and back of the house along with a bolt cutter and a box cutter lying on the ground.
A second large pile of black sheathing, also hundreds of feet long, lay in tall grass in front of the property.
During questioning, Johnson denied involvement in the cutting or burning of phone lines, instead implicating two acquaintances, Shawn Hopkins and Courtney Mills. According to Johnson, the pair brought the phone lines to his property after allegedly cutting them on Johnson Drive and Johnson Bottom during the previous week. Johnson claimed he did not know their current whereabouts.
Two others present at the scene, Kyle Safford and Billy Lane, backed Johnson’s story, saying they had seen Hopkins and Mills deliver the cut lines to the property.
When deputies noticed black burn residue on Johnson’s hands, he claimed it was from burning a “small pile of scrap copper” pulled from discarded electronics. Deputies noted a bundle of scrap cords lying near the garage.
Later, in the sheriff’s booking room, Johnson reportedly admitted knowing the lines were stolen. According to a police report, he said he saw Hopkins hauling the cables onto his property and was aware that Hopkins and Mills had been stripping and burning the copper from them.
Johnson now faces a charge of receiving stolen property valued between $1,000 and $10,000. Special Deputies J.C. Kirk, Cecil Diamond and Jimmy Robinson assisted at the scene.

Anthony Ray Williamson, 47, of Lovely, was arrested Friday at Miner’s Mart on Little Rockastle Road, Pilgrim, on two bench warrants out of Union County charging him with non-payment of court costs, fees or fines. Bellamy made the arrest.

Patricia Long, 43, of Inez, was arrested Oct. 23 at the sheriff’s office on a bench warrant, Sheriff Kirk made the arrest.

James Long, 46, of Tomahawk, was arrested Oct. 23 at the sheriff’s office on three bench warrants. Sheriff Kirk made the arrest.

Donald Stacy, 39, of Inez, was arrested Oct. 23 at Route 3 and Middlefork Wolf Creek Road in Debord for receiving stolen property valued between $500 and $1,000. Sheriff Kirk arrested Stacy after discovering him broken down on the roadway with a load of scrap metal in his truck. According to the police report, Stacy told the sheriff he had picked up the metal at Pontiki with someone’s permission. However, a Lexington Coal superintendent informed the sheriff that Stacy was not authorized to remove anything from coal company property, adding that if Stacy had the metal, it was stolen.

Kevin Totten, 47, of Canada, was arrested Oct. 23 on Church Fork in Inez on charges of receiving stolen property valued at $10,000 or more, theft by unlawful taking or disposition of an auto valued between $10,000 and $1 million, and possession of marijuana.
Deputy Bellamy was advised by dispatch that the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office had requested contact regarding a camper stolen in Louisa and reportedly taken to 85 Church Fork in Inez. Bellamy and Special Deputy Jimmy Robinson attempted to locate the camper.
While patrolling Church Fork, they observed Totten walking alongside the road and noticed he appeared to be staggering. Totten consented to a search, which yielded two bags of marijuana.
Dispatch advised that Totten was a suspect in the camper theft. The deputies located the camper and the black pickup truck allegedly involved in the theft parked behind a brick house at 85 Church Road. The license plate and VIN confirmed the camper was the stolen 2010 Cruise Lite valued at approximately $14,580.
Sheriff Kirk responded to the scene, had the camper towed back to Lawrence County and impounded the truck used in the camper theft.

Kayla A. Garn, 39, of Louisa, was arrested Oct. 23 on Church Fork in Inez on charges of no registration plates, no registration receipt, failure of a non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, no operator’s license, failure to appear and a bench warrant.
While Deputy Bellamy was investigating a report of a stolen camper at 85 Church Fork, Garn, identified as the girlfriend of Kevin Totten, a suspect in the camper theft, arrived at the scene. According to the police report, Garn was driving a vehicle without a displayed license plate. Upon running the VIN, Bellamy found the vehicle’s registration had expired in June. Garn was unable to provide proof of insurance and was not the registered owner of the vehicle. Dispatch confirmed that she did not have a valid operator’s license.
Bellamy subsequently learned Garn was wanted on a Lawrence County warrant.

Anthony Muncy, 60, of Lovely, was arrested Oct. 23 on Beauty Road in Warfield on charges of operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance, first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (more than 10 dosage units of opiates), and third-degree trafficking in a controlled substance (fewer than 20 dosage units of an unspecified drug).
Deputy Kidd responded to a report indicating that Muncy appeared under the influence at the Lovely Zip Zone. Kidd located a vehicle matching the description near Warfield Tobacco and observed it swerving while taking a curve, entering the Warfield IGA parking lot at high speed, and failing to signal a turn. During the traffic stop, Muncy approached Kidd and indicated he had weapons in his pockets. Kidd retrieved a loaded firearm from each of Muncy’s front pockets.
During a pat down the deputy retrieved a round container filled with pills and a clear wrapper containing strips and additional pills from Muncy’s pockets. After Muncy completed a sobriety test, Kidd transported him to a clinic where he refused a blood test. According to the police report, Muncy stated he bought Xanax and pain pills due to running short and traded Suboxone pills for strips.