The Pastor’s Pen: Our greatest treasure

Peter Schmidt says if you’ve ever bought a used car, you have illustrated this truth. Someone got rid of that car for whatever reason, they got a new one. They wanted something bigger or they simply just got tired of it. But that old car that they wanted to get rid of was just what you were looking for. It was trash to them; it was treasure to you.

Or you’ve been on the other side of it if you ever had a garage sale. As you’re going through the stuff in your house that you are preparing to sell, you run into dozens of things where you say to yourself, “Well, I’ll try to sell this, and if no one wants it, I’ll just throw it out.” That item is trash to you, but you are hoping that it will be treasure to someone else.

That’s exactly how the cross of Jesus is treated. To some, it is trash. To others, it is treasure.

Sometimes we treat the cross as if it is the greatest treasure. But sadly, too often we act as if the cross is trash compared to other things. So that’s what we will do this morning: we will compare the cross to a couple of things and see how it stands up.

Let’s compare the cross to intelligence, and let’s compare it to power, and see where the trash is and where the treasure is.

The world might think the Bible is just another book, just common trash. They may even say that Jesus is just junk—a nobody, worthless. But we who know Him know that Jesus is our greatest treasure. He is ours from the brightest of days to the darkest of days.

Isaiah 33:6 “…The fear of the Lord is his treasure.” The Lord is our treasure—our riches. Do you want to be rich? Be rich in Christ. Be rich in the joy of having your sins forgiven, in the peace of knowing the truth. Be rich in the love that Christ has for you and in the blessed future that you have in Him.

In Revelation, Heaven is described as having walls made of treasure, precious jewels. Revelation 21:19: “And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald.”

Isn’t it wonderful that Peter describes Jesus as being precious to us? 1 Peter 2:7: “Unto you therefore which believe he is precious.”

Jesus is a treasure given to us by God the Father. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Jesus is so precious to us. Is He precious to you? Is Jesus your treasure?

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