District Court
INEZ — Judge Brett Butcher heard the following cases Sept. 3 in Martin District Court:
Alexander Samuel Allen (arraignment) — Speeding 16 mph over limit; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to produce insurance card: Failure to appear.
Bobby Lee Allen (arraignment) — Failure to wear seat belts; license to be in possession; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt: Failure to appear.
Helene Davis (arraignment) — Alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second offense: One-year diversion, continue working with Thrive.
Jennifer K. Fletcher (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 15 mph over limit; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Failure to produce an insurance card; 4. No operator’s/moped license; 5. Operating vehicle with expired operator’s license: 1. Six-month diversion; 2-5. Dismissed.
Rojas Adolfo Flores (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 19 mph over limit, amended to 10 mph over limit; 2. Failure to wear seat belt: 1. Six-month diversion; 2. Dismissed.
Chase Hall (arraignment) — Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 11/26/24 at 10 a.m.
Chase Hall (arraignment) — Terroristic threatening, third degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 11/26/24 at 10 a.m.
Richard L. Harless (arraignment) — Failure to wear seat belts: Six-month diversion.
James B. Hill (arraignment) — Failure to wear seat belts: Failure to appear.
Christopher Brady Jackson (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 23 mph over limit amended to 10 mph over limit; 2. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first: 1. Six-month diversion; 2. Dismissed.
Trevon Blake Johnson (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 26 mph over/greater amended to 10 mph over limit; 2. Failure to wear seat belts; 3. No/expired registration receipt; 4. Failure to produce insurance card: 1-2. Six-month diversion; 3-4. Dismissed.
Michael D. Mills (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no motorcycle operator’s license; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first: Failure to appear.
Noah Isaiah Mollette (arraignment) — Failure to wear seat belts: Dismissed.
Shirl Darlene Music (arraignment) — 1. Failure to wear seat belts; 2. Failure to produce insurance card: Dismissed.
Angela R. Newsome (arraignment) — 1. License to be in possession; 2. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 3. No/expired registration plates; 4. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt: Dismissed.
Tiffany Dawn Preece (arraignment) — Speeding 10 mph over the limit: Diversion.
Charles L. Shadley (arraignment) — 1. Failure to wear seat belts; 2. Failure to produce insurance card: Dismissed.
Pierette Thompson (arraignment) — Falsely reporting an incident: Bench warrant $500 cash.
Jackie Allen Jr. (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree, amended to alcohol intoxication: Pleaded guilty, $25 fine, court cost, show cause 3/4/25 at 9:30 a.m.
Brittany Ashcraft (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree, child abuse: One-year diversion, follow all family court orders.
Preston Blankenship (pretrial conference) — Person 18-20 enter premises to purchase alcohol: Pleaded guilty, $25 fine, court cost, show cause 3/4/25 at 9:30 a.m.
Robert Blankenship (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Dismissed.
Sheena Blankenship (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Dismissed.
Ethan Coleman (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree, amended to alcohol intoxication: Pleaded guilty, $25 fine, court cost, show cause 3/4/25 at 9:30 a.m.
William McKinley Damron Jr. (pretrial conference) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Reset 12/10/24 at 10 a.m.
Christian Habern (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Dismissed.
April Nicole Hickman (pretrial conference) — Operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/substance, first; operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/substance, second: Removed from docket.
Elizabeth Horn (pretrial conference) — Hindering prosecution or apprehension, second degree: Bench warrant $500 cash.
Jennifer Lynn Perez (pretrial conference) — No operator’s/moped license; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first: Reset 11/26/24 at 10 a.m.
Dontrell Robertson (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Dismissed.
Hannah Robertson (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Dismissed.
Emily Taylor (pretrial conference) — Unlawful transaction with minor, third degree: Dismissed.
Lawrence Thompson (pretrial conference) — 1. Disorderly conduct, second degree; 2. Terroristic threatening, third degree; 3. Alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second offense: 1. Dismissed; 2. Pleaded guilty, 30 days to serve, probated one year, court cost, show cause 3/4/25 at 9:30 a.m.; 3. Dismissed.
Chelsey Jolas (preliminary hearing) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine): Rocket Docket.
Brian Keith Robinette (preliminary hearing) — 1. Desecration of venerated objects, second degree; 2. Willfully setting fire on land not owned/controlled, amended to criminal mischief, third degree; 3. Criminal trespassing, third degree: Pleaded guilty, 12 months to serve, probated two years, 32 hours community service 9/12-9/15 during Harvest Fest, waived court cost.
Alexandra Danielle Riddle (preliminary hearing) — 1. Complicity desecration of venerated objects, second degree; 2. Willfully setting fire on land not owned/controlled, amended to criminal mischief; 3. Criminal trespassing, third degree: Pleaded guilty, 12 months to serve, probated two years, 32 hours of community service 9/12-15 during Harvest Fest.
Alexandra Danielle Riddle (pretrial conference) — Speeding 16 mph over the limit; operating motor vehicle under the influence of substance, first: Commonwealth to produce video and audio within 60 days, reset 12/10/24 at 10 a.m.
Circuit Court
INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Sept. 5 in Martin Circuit Court:
Kenis Casey Bishop (change of plea) — 1. Possession of a controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 3. Tampering with physical evidence: 1. Pleaded guilty, sentencing 10/17/24 at 10 a.m., two years; 2. Pleaded guilty, sentencing 10/17/24 at 10 a.m., 12 months; 3. Pleaded guilty, sentencing 10/17/24 at 10 a.m., two years. Diversion supervised for two years, complete any course of substance abuse treatment recommended by DPP.
Jeremy Jarvis (change of plea) — 1. Burglary, third degree; 2. Persistent felony offender: 1. Pleaded guilty, sentencing 10/17/24 at 10 a.m., four years; 2. Pleaded guilty, enhance count 1: five years, to run concurrent to Martin 24-CR-20 and 24-CR-22.
Jeremy Jarvis (change of plea) — 1. Burglary, third degree; 2. Persistent felony offender, second degree: 1. Pleaded guilty, sentencing 10/17/24 at 10 a.m., four years; 2. Pleaded guilty, enhance county 1: five years, to run concurrent to Martin 23-CR-105 and 24-CR-22.
Jeremy Jarvis (change of plea) — 1. Burglary, first degree; 2. Persistent felony offender, second degree; 3. Theft, receipt of two or more stolen credit/debit cards: Pleaded guilty, sentencing 10/17/24 at 10 a.m., 1. Ten years; 2. Dismissed; 3. Twelve months, to run concurrent to Martin 23-CR-105 and 24-CR-20.
Jimmy Castle Jr. (motion hour) — Bench warrant no bond.
Tommy D. Evans (motion hour) — Pass, subject to renotice.
Gary Thomas (motion hour) — Bench warrant no bond.
Gary D. Thomas (motion hour) — Bench warrant no bond.
Gary Gamble Jr. (other hearing) — Agreed graduated sanctions.
Vernon Sluss Jr. (other hearing) — Possession of controlled substance, first offense (methamphetamine); drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Sentencing 10//3/24 at 10 a.m.
Heather Mollett (probation revocation hearing) — Withdrawn.
James Michael Scott (probation revocation hearing) — Stipulate to violation, sentenced to 120 days at Big Sandy Regional Detention Center, credit for time served, continue on supervised probation.
Andrew J. Vogeler (probation revocation hearing) — Reset 10/3/24 at 10 a.m.
Timothy Ramey (motion for shock probation with exhibits) — Overruled.
Irene A. Looney (sentencing) — 1. Trafficking in controlled substance, second degree, first offense; 2. Promoting contraband, first degree; 3. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: 1. Five years; 2. Five years; 3. Twelve months. Consecutive probation two years unsupervised, supervised if resides in Kentucky.
Asiaa Meeks (sentencing) — Bail jumping, first degree: One year consecutive to 22-CR-59, reset 9/19/24 at 10 a.m.
Haskell Burgess Mills (sentencing) — 1. Enhancement trafficking in a controlled substance, first degree, first offense; 2. Complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, first degree, first offense; 3. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 4. Failure to or improper signal: 1. Ten years; 2. Five years; 3. Twelve months; 4. Fine $25. Concurrent 10 years to serve.
Jonathan A. Perry (sentencing) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine): Two years, probated supervised two years, complete any substance abuse treatment by DPP.
Eric Bowen (arraignment) — Assault, third degree (EMS, Fire, Rescue Squad); operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs, etc., .08 first offense; fleeing or evading police, second degree (on foot); resisting arrest; possession of open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
Robert Drenning (arraignment) — Convicted felon in possession of a firearm; possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
Martin Gillespie (arraignment) — Bail jumping first degree: Moot.
Jeffrey Looney (arraignment) — Fleeing or evading police, first degree (on foot); escape, third degree; resisting arrest; terroristic threatening, third degree; alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second offense: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
Jonathan Mollett (arraignment) — Bail jumping, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
Jonathan Mollett (arraignment) — Bail jumping, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
Jonathan Mollette (arraignment) — Bail jumping, first degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
William Preece (arraignment) — Trafficking in marijuana, 8 ounces to less than 5 pounds, first offense; wanton endangerment, first degree; operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs, etc. .08, first; drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; reckless driving; terroristic threatening, third degree: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/17/24 at 11 a.m.
Cody Spears (arraignment) — Convicted felon in possession of a firearm; possession of marijuana: Reset 9/19/24 at 10 a.m.
Marcus Thompson (arraignment) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $10,000-$1,000,0090: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial 10/13/24 at 11 a.m.