The upcoming presidential election is so important

My dad always said not to get into a discussion about politics or religion – that it would usually cause arguments with friends or even family members. Those were wise words but I just cannot keep my mouth shut about this year’s presidential election.

Kamala Harris is just too left-wing and liberal for the United States. It is not because she is a woman. It is not because she is a person of color.

It is about her policies and the democratic policies that are currently hurting America.

Let us talk about the economy and inflation.

Four years ago, we were paying $1.89 a gallon for gas. Now it is well over $3.00 and has gone as high as $4.00 the last couple of years.

Grocery prices have nearly doubled. When you go to the store now, you spend twice as much as you used to for a lot less. Those on fixed incomes or lower and middle-income families are having it tough.

Utility prices have also gone up, along with clothing, cleaning supplies and everything else we need.

Joe Biden said the economy is in good shape. What statistics is he looking at? Kamala Harris is a rubber stamp for Biden and the current administration.

Harris was also placed in charge of the border problem. She has stated the border is secure. We know that is not the case. Harris, both as senator and vice president, has caused controversy with Homeland Security agencies, comparing one to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and fueling a since-discredited narrative about Border Patrol agents on horseback allegedly whipping migrants.

Millions of illegal immigrants have crossed the southern borders in the past three and a half years. Many of them are criminals and terrorists. Just watch the news and you will see how many rapes, murders and other crimes have been committed by illegal immigrants that have come into the United States.

She has called for a reexamination of ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) or to even abolish it.

Harris took stances on immigration when she sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. She wanted immigrants who were in the country illegally to be eligible for government health care, and she wanted to decriminalize border crossings.

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago, Biden and Harris have emphasized the need to restore nationwide abortion rights. They say the goal is to pass legislation if Democrats retake full control of Congress, according to The Associated Press.

She does not support law enforcement. Harris started her career in elected office as San Francisco’s district attorney, and her politics of supporting police officers have been negative over the years. After the murder of George Floyd in 2020, Harris expressed praise for the “defund the police” movement and questioned whether money was being effectively spent on public safety. Meanwhile letting criminals back out on the street to commit more crimes.

How many times do we hear of “repeat offenders?”

While seeking the 2020 Democratic nomination, Harris said she would ban fracking and pursue the Green New Deal.

The White House took a more measured approach. The Inflation Reduction Act, which was signed into law by Biden, pumped $375 billion into the fight against climate change.

They have supported electric cars and school buses and banned drilling offshore and on U.S. soil. They have pumped billions into pushing for electric buses, but only a handful were built.

And what about charging stations for those electric cars? Good luck finding one of those, which they wasted billions more on. I wonder where all of this money is going.

Republicans are accusing Kamala Harris of embracing antisemitic protesters. Progressives are urging her to challenge Israel’s actions in its war with Hamas.

Most think she does not support Israel, the Jewish people or their place in the Middle East.

Harris has consistently supported gun control and has been graded with an “F” rating by the pro-gun NRA Political Victory Fund.

Harris announced at a town hall in Oakland that she would co-sponsor fellow Senator Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” bill. This would raise taxes and could cause issues in the health care industry.

Many worry about her support of the military and her foreign policy experience. With the turmoil going on around the world, this is a critical issue. Our enemies now view us as weak and vulnerable to attack – and they would not be wrong. Please give this issue some deep thought.

I am not trying to tell you how to vote. But look at all of the issues before you decide.

Do you want to continue paying ridiculously high prices at the grocery stores and gas stations and, actually – everywhere?

Do you want our country to continue to be invaded by illegal immigrants – who our government is giving free housing and phones and groceries – while our own citizens are having to decide whether to buy medicine or food because they can’t afford both and are being murdered and raped by illegals? And many of these same illegals are terrorists and known criminals. Other countries are emptying their prisons and sending those prisoners here.

Do you want our enemies laughing at us for leaving nearly $8 billion in military equipment in Afghanistan, which fell into the hands of the Taliban and now can be used against us?

Do you want our police officers defunded and to allow criminals to take over our cities at will? Have you seen the footage of all the looters just breaking into stores in broad daylight and stealing whatever they want?

Even if you do not like a certain candidate on a personal level, review all the policies of both sides. I feel like our nation is on the precipice of a monumental decision. So please weigh carefully – our future depends upon the result of this presidential election.

(Kyle Lovern is a longtime journalist in the Tug Valley. He is now a retired freelance writer and columnist for the Mountain Citizen.)

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