“For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12
Angels, the now and forever forward loyal army of Heaven, are the enforcers of God’s desire in His universe, but according to Psalm 91, they are also the commissioned protectors of God’s children. What a comfort it should be in an increasingly dangerous world, that we have the most elite of security details watching over us!
Last week we wrote of the renewed interest in the supernatural in our culture. In every branch of media there seems to have been a revival of understanding that we humans are not alone on this planet, that we cohabitate with other beings, even those that remain unseen.
Friends, this is not a Hollywood invention or a “fairytale” from a children’s book; this is a truth that we read of in our Bibles. We are not alone on this Earth. Among us are supernatural entities that influence our day-to-day lives much more than most would like to believe. This truth can be startling, or even unacceptable, to some who have had their eyes blinded by false science which has commanded that they only believe what their physical senses can perceive. Yet, for believers in the Bible, this truth is a comfort and answers so many unanswerable questions about the unexplainable happenings that go on around us.
Now, some of the supernatural beings that live among us are these aforementioned angels. We said previously that there’s a lot of information out there about angels, but unless we get our facts about angels from the Bible, we are apt to be dangerously misinformed. The answers to the questions of “Who are angels?” “Where do they come from?” and “What do they do?” must be found in the pages of Scripture or we will fall into the trap of associating these servants of God with fat little babies harping on clouds and shooting “love” arrows at passersby. Angels are powerful beings, not chubby toddlers, and they can be a valuable resource for believers as we trust the Lord to accomplish His will in our lives.
So, what or who are angels? What’s their function in the Earth today? Well, according to Hebrews 1, they are created beings, brought into existence by God before the time of man, to be ministers for Him. Once man showed up on the scene, evidently God tasked these angels with the job of helping those “who shall be heirs of salvation.” Who’s that? That’s us! Born again believers! According to Hebrews 1:14, in this Age of Grace we live in, God’s angels have been “sent forth to minister” for us so that we can accomplish God’s will on this planet.
So, the primary function of angels in this day is to work on behalf of God’s children, to respond to our faith in God’s Word and to do the work in the realm of the supernatural (spiritual) to bring that Word to pass in the natural. Do I have Scripture for that? Of course! Really, that’s the narrative we see concerning angels all through the Bible. Think of all the interactions between man and angels in the Scriptures. What were they always doing? Helping man accomplish God’s will in some way, right? From Lot’s rescue to Peter’s prisonbreak, both Old and New Testaments are full of examples of angels working on behalf of God’s people.
Brothers and sisters, we are not alone in this fight of faith. God has our backs. He’s commissioned a force of supernatural beings to enforce His Word in our lives, if we will only believe that Word and use our faith to receive from Him this measure of grace. Let’s not “grow out” of our belief in the realities of the unseen. Let’s tap into this Heavenly resource that our Lord has provided for us in these last days!
Greg Crum is the pastor of Calvary Temple in Lovely.