Mingo County Commission sponsoring recycling event for electronic devices


WILLIAMSON, W.Va. — The Mingo County Commission (MCC) is sponsoring its second and final one-day covered electronic devices (CED) recycling event of the year Aug. 10 at the Mingo County Courthouse.

The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Mingo County residents can bring devices they no longer use to the event for disposal. There is no charge to participate in the event.

Items accepted during the event include computers (desktop and laptop); audio equipment (no wooden speakers); cables/wires; CD drives; cell phones; circuit boards; disk drives; DVD drives; DVD players; ferrous/non-ferrous metals; floppy disks; integrated circuits; ink cartridges (not leaking); keyboards; LCD monitors; litho film; metal or mostly metal items; computer mice; microwave ovens (please remove all food waste); network equipment; network switches; power supplies; printers; fax machines; copy machines; RAM (or other computer components); rechargeable batteries (not leaking); servers; speakers (no wooden speakers); stereo equipment (again, no wooden speakers); telephones; toner cartridges (not leaking); UPS battery backup systems; video cameras; video game consoles; wireless devices and X-ray film.

Televisions will also be accepted. However, only two televisions per car will be allowed.

Items not accepted during the event include mercury-containing items (thermostats, level switches, etc.), paint, ballasts with PCBs, light bulbs, food waste, toxic waste, liquids and refrigerators.

The recycling drive is open only to Mingo County residents. Those bringing items to be recycled must bring identification proving they are residents. Items must be brought to the courthouse — pickup is not available.

The CED recycling drive is made possible through funding awarded by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s (WVDEP) REAP CED Recycling Grant Program. This is the third consecutive year the commission has partnered with the WVDEP to present these events.

For more information about the CED recycling event, contact MCC grants coordinator/project manager Leigh Ann Ray at (304) 235-0338.

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