Honoring mothers: celebrating love, resilience and pioneering spirits

As we approach Mother’s Day this Sunday we pause to honor the irreplaceable figures in our lives: mothers.

This special day is an opportunity to consider the influence that our mothers have on our lives and society.

These women gave us life and taught us to tie our shoelaces. They imparted unspoken lessons of resilience, compassion and unconditional love. These lessons do not come through textbooks. They come from lived experiences, endless days and tireless nights.

In this day and time, mothers are caregivers and pioneers on the front lines of change. These incredible women balance work and personal life, usually without a blueprint. We see them in our communities creating paths to new possibilities for the next generation. They are business leaders, science innovators, stalwarts in the arts, teachers, community leaders, stay-at-home moms and revolutionaries. So, as we celebrate, we also advocate.

Mothers, especially those from marginalized communities, continue to face significant challenges such as economic insecurity, health disparities and a lack of supportive policies. We have a collective responsibility to support them in tangible ways, such as advocating for policies that support maternal health, child care and fair employment.

From traditional mothers to adoptive mothers, foster mothers and stepmothers, from grandmothers raising grandchildren to those who nurture villages, all mothers are heroes.

As we pen this tribute, we find that words are insufficient. Perhaps, then, our actions can speak louder than our words.

Let us celebrate, cherish and support moms on Mother’s Day and every day.

To all mothers—those with us, those remembered, those who hold their children close and those who hold them in their hearts—we offer our deepest gratitude. We stand in awe and appreciation of all that you do. Thank you for your endless dedication and love.

Happy Mother’s Day.

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