A new state rock? Lawmakers approve bill for scientifically accurate state symbols


FRANKFORT — In a move to align state symbols with geological facts, Kentucky lawmakers passed a bill that redefines several key symbols to ensure scientific accuracy. House Bill 378 received its final nod March 27 in the Kentucky General Assembly.

Historically, Kentucky has recognized coal as its state mineral. However, this designation has met with criticism from scientists who say coal does not meet strict definitions required to be classified as a mineral. Similarly, the state rock, agate, has been subject to debate regarding its categorization.

Under the newly approved bill:

  • Coal is the state rock.
  • Agate is the state gemstone.
  • Calcite is the state mineral.

The proposal, sponsored by Rep. Al Gentry of Louisville, a geologist by training, has been years in the making.

Dr. Trent Garrison, former president of the Kentucky Academy of Science, approached Rep. Cherlynn Stevenson of Lexington several years ago on the subject. Stevenson proposed legislation after working with Garrison. She then handed it off to Rep. Gentry upon learning that he was a geologist.

Lawmakers made changes to HB 378 in recent days as it moved toward becoming law.

Dr. Garrison emphasized the importance of retaining coal in the revised list due to its integral role in the state’s history and economy.

“Calcite is the mineral that makes up the rock limestone, which is very abundant in Kentucky and causes karst topography, leading to Kentucky having the world’s longest cave,” Garrison said. “We didn’t want to rock the boat for Kentucky agate lovers, so we moved this one to the state gemstone.”

In his speech to the House, Rep. Gentry noted the bill’s success in achieving a lineup of symbols that are “all scientifically accurate, and all very much Kentucky.”

The legislation awaits Gov. Andy Beshear’s signature to become law.

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