In Isaiah 43:19, the LORD said, “See, I am doing a new thing…” But I don’t always love new things, new ways. At times, when things change, I’m dragging my Crocs on the way. These days I find myself praying often for the Lord to help me be flexible. Not bendy, but easier to adapt. I know not all change is bad.
Last week, I was snowed in long enough that I finally took down my Christmas tree. It was time. I was reminded of good change during the take down. A few years ago, I started putting my lights on the tree differently. Instead of laboriously wrapping them around and around, as I had for decades, I draped them up and down. It made the most difficult part of Christmas tree decorating easy. So easy!
For a baby boomer, technology has been a challenge. It has changed everything! My sister told me we are “immigrants” while those younger than us are “natives” because they have grown up with it. Wow, that made sense! I want to lament learning new technology, but I can still remember submitting newspaper columns in the early 90s. Having typed them out, I drove the minivan and kids to the Williamson Daily News office. I parked by the door, left the engine running, raced up the ramp, and flung it at the first person I saw. (I am still thankful for the opportunity Tim Bostic gave me back then.) What a joyous thing when I was able to use what they were calling “electronic mail” to submit weekly stories!
Another good thing about technology: when COVID shut down the world in 2020, the church was not completely cut off. Overnight countless preachers became televangelists. (Kidding/not kidding.) Boomers and all other gens quickly learned new ways to communicate, connecting instantly with people locally and all over the world. I learned to do meetings via ZOOM but then was nearly undone last year by Google Meets. Real tears were manifested.
Judges 6 shares a story that applies to change. Gideon was secretly threshing wheat in a winepress at night so the terrible, awful Midianites wouldn’t take it. The angel of the LORD appeared to him and said, “The LORD is with you mighty warrior.” He was completely stunned at the angel’s presence and words. Verse 14 tells us, “The LORD turned to him and said, ‘Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?’” Gideon quickly told the LORD that his clan was the weakest in Manasseh and he was the least in the fam. The LORD invited Gideon to step out of the winepress AND his comfort zone to be used as an instrument in His hand. It’s a short and exciting true adventure of a weakest link being used by God.
Every time I have gotten out of my comfort zone to follow Him, God has faithfully walked right beside me. He has led me to new countries, new ministries, and new formats. He can always be trusted.
Are you facing change or a new opportunity? Let’s link arms with the God who never changes (Malachi 3:6) and boldly march ahead knowing He is with us and will never leave us (Deuteronomy 31:8).
All through the Bible, God used young and old. He took men and women out of their boats, sheep pens, gardens, and places of comfort to change the world around them. When the LORD tells me, “See, I am doing a new thing…” I want to be courageous enough to say, “Bring it on!” With His help I know I can!