It’s hard to let go of Christmas. The “Do not be afraids”are still on my mind.
When the angel visited Mary in Nazareth, the words gushed from Gabriel’s mouth: “Do not be afraid…you have found favor with God.” Seeing an angel right in front of her would have been terrifying. Pondering it from this side, I wonder at how important those words would come to be. “Do not be afraid of what is to come.” “Do not be afraid that God is about to upend your carefully planned, simple life.” She would need to cling to that part of the angel’s message for the rest of her days. I picture her reminding herself often.
Joseph’s “Do not be afraid” moment came in a dream. While trying to figure out how to handle the “Mary-says-she-saw-an-angel-and-is-now-suddenly-pregnant-with-the-Son-of-God” situation, he, too, was reminded that God had an important plan for his life. That “Do not be afraid” was specifically mentioned regarding taking Mary as his wife. It would also apply in town when the neighbors started talking. “Do not be afraid, Joseph, of what people will think. Or what they will say.” Later, when the little family ran from the clutches of Herod, Joseph might have whispered it again and again.
When I was 9 years old, I learned Psalm 56:3: “When I am afraid, I will trust in God.” It has served me well for these 50+ years. As a child growing up in an abusive home, I said it countless times. As an adult, I whispered it during sicknesses, surgeries, and difficulties our children experienced. Growing older, when dreams—and life—have been frightful, I’ve clung to it. I wonder if it became Mary and Joseph’s favorite also.
The shepherds’ big moment came while they were at work, of all places. “Do not be afraid,” the angel announced. Four words say so much. “Do not be afraid, guys, to trust in the Messiah. Do not be afraid to chase after Him. Do not be afraid to spread the good news.” (I want to put exclamation marks everywhere!)
Someone once said what we do next after God speaks shows what we truly believe. Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be as you have said.” Joseph woke up and got going, quickly obeying the Lord’s word through the dream. The shepherds said, “Let’s go!” and they did. Then they spread the word.
I need all the “Do not be afraids” in the Bible! Over the years, fear has sometimes stopped me in my tracks. I have had great ideas and intentions, then cowered at the time to move. I was fearful of messing up, of looking stupid, of saying the wrong thing. In 2024, I want to be surrendered like Mary, quickly obedient like Joseph, and a good news sharer like the shepherds.
There could be numerous things we might be afraid to face in the new year. It’s good we don’t have to go it alone. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you.”