Are you beginning 2024 a little fatter?

2024 is here and congratulations – you are here to celebrate!

This is the time of the year when people are making New Year’s resolutions. Typically, the most common is to lose a few pounds.

I suspect you want to lose a couple of pounds. Maybe you need to lose a lot of pounds. Many of us do. From Sept. 1 through Dec. 27, I gained 15 pounds. I know that’s really bad. I wasn’t bad for four months, but I had a few good spells of being bad. On Sept. 1, I weighed 198 pounds. Then, on Dec. 27, I weighed 213 pounds.

My trend started when I had my colonoscopy. My doctor didn’t want me to eat any salads and a number of other healthy foods in preparation for my procedure. I had some very happy meals and gained almost 2 pounds leading up to my test. A couple of family get-togethers, a vacation, Thanksgiving and Christmas added up to 15 pounds. Let me tell you, I can tell the difference when I put my shoes on. Also, developing plantar fasciitis and a sore foot didn’t help matters either. Many Americans deal with this occasional foot issue. During flare-ups it really hurts to walk.

The only way I’ll be able to shed the pounds is to get real religious on my eating.

We gain weight by eating too much and we lose weight when we cut back the portions and eat much less. A lot of our eating is habit. We think we have to be eating all the time. Winter months are tough because on cold, dreary days and nights we hibernate in front of the TV and think we have to have food going into our mouths.

Consider sane proportional eating. Eat three small meals a day. Women can typically lose weight if they keep the calories to 1200 a day. If you are active then maybe 1400. Aim for three 400-calorie meals. Men typically can lose on about 1700 calories a day. This gives you three meals at just under 600 per meal. Keep in mind that often, food has more calories than we think.

Another option is to graze all day. A fitness trainer friend says he eats six times a day, but it’s only about 300 calories at a time. The upside to this plan is you are always looking forward to your next little meal. If you like to eat all the time this may be your best plan.

Any activity that you can employ will also help. Winter months are tough so you have to be creative. Walk in place. Clean your house. Do setups while watching television. Do some toe touches, pushups, squats and anything that will get your heart rate up. Gym memberships soar at this time of the year. If you have time to go to the gym it might help you get through the winter. Mentally, it might help you to get out of the house.

I’m with you on this. My hope is to lose 1 pound a week. Maybe by Easter I’ll be back to where I want to be.

Drop me a note at or and let me know how you are doing and I’ll post more later if I have been able to shed my extra pounds.

Good luck!

Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools, including Georgetown College, Southern Seminary and Lexington Seminary in Kentucky. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. Find his books on Listen to his music on his YouTube channel. Learn more about Mollette’s books, columns and music at


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