Martin County wraps up year with key infrastructure and community board updates

Martin County Fiscal Court in a meeting Thursday. (Citizen photo by Roger Smith)


INEZ — Martin County Judge/Executive Lon Lafferty and the fiscal court got a few things in order in their last meeting of the year. The judge announced his office had received word from the Martin County Sanitation District that the Saltwell sewer lift station would be completed by Friday.

“It’s been a terrible problem for the last two years,” Lafferty said. “We’ve been assured that the project will be completed by the 29th of this month.”

Martin County Fiscal Court provided $21,500 for repairs on the sewer lift station.

“Anyone who drives down Saltwell knows how terrible the situation is, so I want to thank the court for making sure that gets done.”

Lafferty also announced that bids had been let for a project to install new water lines on Collins Creek.

“That’s part of our goal to replace water lines in the county—to improve the water quality,” the judge added. “That’s something that we’re very glad to see.”

The Fiscal Court also took steps to reconstitute the community center board, approving Lafferty’s appointment of a new board of directors.

The new appointees are James Sonny Ward of Inez for a 3-year term, Carolea Mills of Inez for a 4-year term, Jennifer Wells of Inez for a 2-year term, Billy Maynard Jr. of Pilgrim for a 2-year term, and Randy Lafferty of Inez for a 2-year term.

“The community center is owned by the community center board,” Judge/Executive Lon Lafferty said. “It’s a board that we established years ago as an independent 501(c)(3).”

The judge explained the community center board is the lessor to the library district and has to complete annual financial paperwork.

The court accepted Martin County Sheriff John Kirk’s oil and gas settlement for 2022. The sheriff’s settlement reflected total gas and oil tax charges of $404,171 ($23,392 oil and $379,779 gas). Taxing districts and tax amounts assessed included:

• State of Kentucky $34,226.27

• Martin County Fiscal Court $34,269

• Martin County School District $251,482

• Martin County Library District $32,422

• Martin County Health District $11,898

• Martin County Extension District $38,873.

Magistrates also approved fee account budget estimates from the sheriff ($462,000) and Martin County Clerk Susie Skyles ($2.9 million).

District 5 Magistrate Ronald Workman requested that in the future the magistrates receive the paperwork a month early so they can review it.

“I agree,” Sheriff Kirk said.

The court agreed to increase Martin County Treasurer Marie Fitpatrick’s salary from $38,000 to $42,000. Finance officer Melissa Harmon Patrick will also receive $42,000 a year.

Judge Lafferty recognized District 4 Constable James Bradford Preece with a certificate for Preece being named Kentucky Constable of the Year.

“It’s a tremendous honor,” said Lafferty. “Congratulations. Martin County just keeps winning.”

The judge and magistrates concluded the meeting by expressing special thanks to the organizers of the various festivals and events throughout the county in December.

Lafferty added that 2023 had been a “great year.”

“I look forward to the great things that will happen in 2024,” he said.

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