Have you ever been so filled with the joy of the Lord, or overcome with appreciation that He has met a secret or public need, or He has saved your bacon AGAIN and you just can’t get over that He still puts up with you or He has pulled you out of a pit or brought you out of bondage…and you could write a Psalm or sing a song about it? Shew. I know I have. That’s where Mary was that day with Elizabeth in the hill country of Judea (Luke 1).
No one could understand all that was going on in her heart, body, and mind. She had been processing the angel’s visit on her way to see her cousin.
When Elizabeth belted out her greeting, Mary could hold it in no longer. The verses of Luke 1:46-55 are often called “Mary’s song.”
Mary was praising the Lord. Glorifying and magnifying Him…before the Baby was born, before she had Joseph’s support, before the shepherds came, before Simeon and Anna prophesied at the temple, and before the wise men brought gifts.
We have the delicious privilege of knowing how the story unfolds. Actually, God is still writing the story!
Here, though, teenage Mary is singing her praise to the God Who has seen her and is going to use her. Later, she would treasure and ponder it all in the stable (Luke 2:19).
Some of the blessings Mary noted: “He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant,” “He has performed mighty deeds with His arm,” and “He has filled the hungry with good things.” She hadn’t seen anything yet. Grown-up Jesus would help the lame to walk, the blind to see; He would feed thousands, heal lepers, and raise the dead. All that was still to come.
Psalm 98 sounds like it was written just for Christmas. Parts of Mary’s song are drawn from it. “Sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him. The LORD has made His salvation known and revealed His righteousness to the nations. (That’s baby Jesus!) He has remembered His love and His faithfulness to Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.” He kept all the promises of the coming Messiah. It goes on: “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD…shout for joy before the LORD, the king.”
We are made to praise. When God has done something cool for me, there can be hand clapping or I might just burst into jubilant dance right there in the kitchen. He is so kind, gracious, and faithful I can scarcely keep it in.
God is exceedingly good. Not only at Christmas. I challenge you to scribble down a few lines that express your thankful heart for all the Lord has done. It doesn’t have to be long or rhyme. Start with “My soul glorifies the Lord, for He has…” Then fill in the blank. Just jot a praise to your Father in heaven. You may be amazed at how your list will go on and on. (Mine did.) No matter what lies ahead, today—this day—we can shout for joy, burst into song, or make music in thanks to Him!
Just like Mary.