Voter registration surges after election

Party affiliation switch deadline Dec. 31

FRANKFORT — Secretary of State Michael Adams announced that voter registration surged in the weeks following the 2023 general election, with 10,607 new registrations from Nov. 8 through Nov. 30.

“Surging voter registration reminds us that we must prepare for a high turnout in the 2024 election,” said Adams.

In November, 7,278 voters were removed: 5,461 deceased voters, 1,067 voters convicted of felonies, 525 who moved out of state, 94 duplicate registrations, 77 mentally incompetent and 54 who voluntarily de-registered.

Republican registrants account for 46% of the electorate with 1,606,398 voters. Republican registration grew by 3,440 voters, a 0.22% increase. Democratic registrants make up 44% of the electorate with 1,525,037 voters. Democratic registration declined by 2,078, a 0.14% decrease. There are 356,721 voters registered under other political parties, 10% of the electorate. “Other” registration rose by 1,967 voters, a 0.55% increase.

Adams reminds Kentuckians who wish to update their political party affiliation to do so by Dec. 31 in order to be eligible to vote in the May 21, 2024 primary in the party of their choice. By law, a voter who is registered as a Democrat or Independent after Dec. 31 will not be able to vote in May’s Republican primary, and a voter who is registered as a Republican or Independent after Dec. 31 will not be able to vote in May’s Democratic primary. This rule does not apply to voters newly registered after the first of the year.

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