DINGESS, W.Va — A theft in the Dingess community Friday took a page from the popular Christmas movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” Now the search is on for a Mingo County female identified as the one responsible for stealing the community Christmas tree that was located near the Dingess Tunnel.
According to the Mingo County Sheriff’s Department, the large Christmas tree was stolen between 4:30 and 6 p.m. Friday and was part of a community Christmas decorating project by area residents. After members of the Dingess Action Community discovered the theft, they posted photos on social media and contacted the sheriff’s department.
“The residents of Dingess work hard on their seasonal decorations and take pride in giving those that live there something nice to share with their families,” remarked Mingo Sheriff Joe Smith. “The theft was pointless; the tree was actually too large to put inside a home so I’m clueless why someone would steal something that big. Now the group will have to foot the cost for another tree because it’s evident they’ll never get this one back.
“The female involved has been identified as Marquita Gannon-Fleming, from the Dingess area, and we have obtained warrants for her arrest on charges of petit larceny and conspiracy,” said the sheriff.
“We also know she was not alone when the theft occurred and we are requesting that if anyone is aware of the identity of the male subject that assisted Fleming in the theft, to please contact my office at 304-235-0300.”
According to Sheriff Smith, he had a conversation with the wanted female Monday during which she agreed to turn herself in Tuesday, but as of press time that had not occurred.
“It’s just a shame someone would stoop this low,” remarked Smith. “The Action Committee work throughout the year to be able to do these projects and definitely didn’t deserve anything like this.”