Social media threat causes alarm in Kentucky counties; confusion laid to rest


INEZ — A social media post containing what was perceived as a threat against a school identified only as “MC high school” caused alarm in both Martin and Magoffin counties Monday and Tuesday. After investigating, Martin County Sheriff John Kirk determined the post was referring to Magoffin County High School, not Martin County.

Larry James, superintendent of the Martin County School District, became aware of the post at approximately 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. The superintendent received pictures of social media posts containing a purported message in which someone wrote that they hired other people to shoot up “MC high school.”

The purported message also stated: “We makeing [sic] the news bg [sic] 40+ dead.”

“I first received copies of the concerning posts from our high school principal. Those were quickly followed by texts and messages from across the county containing the same information,” said James. “This continued for approximately three hours.”

James conferred with Sheriff Kirk, who relayed he received the same information.

“Sheriff Kirk began communicating with the Magoffin County Sheriff’s Department and it became clear the threats were referring to the Magoffin County High School,” said James. “The posts were said to have been made following an arrest there Monday.”

The school district followed protocol Tuesday morning. James, the sheriff and school administrators arrived at Martin County High School a couple of hours before students began arriving to speak with parents and students concerned about safety and the validity of the threat.

“We have a high number of absentees today,” stated James. “We knew that would happen as the threatening posts were shared over and over again. We want to assure parents, staff and students that no credible threat was made against any school in our district. We encourage them to return to school Wednesday morning.”

He added, “The safety and well-being of our students and staff is and will always be our top priority. We leave no stone unturned.”

James commended Sheriff Kirk for the quick response.

“I’m sure Magoffin County law enforcement and school officials had the same sleepless night we experienced here in Martin County as the investigation continued,” remarked James. “We pray for the safety of all students and that those responsible for the social media posts will be held accountable.”

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