“What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” Psalm 34:12-14
Here in Psalm 34, we read an idea that’s echoed in I Peter 3, that we are to pursue peace, or in other words, run after it. What’s so special about peace? Why is it so important that God commands us to chase it until we catch it? Well, if you’ve ever lived in the chaos that this world strives to provide, you already know the value of peace and why it is so prized in the eyes of the righteous.
In a world of international war, domestic strife and personal struggle, peace is a treasure that God has stored up for His children. Our very Gospel of Jesus is also a Gospel of peace! In reading about the work of Jesus prophesied by Isaiah (Isaiah 53:5), we see that peace was provided in our redemption. Jesus was beaten so we might have peace. In Acts 10:36 and again in Romans 14:17-19 we read how the proclamation of Jesus is a pronouncement of peace and that the Kingdom of God is a dominion of peace. What’s more, in Colossians 3:15 we come to understand that it is this peace of God that was intended to abide in our hearts on a continual basis, helping to guide us into the way of the Lord for our lives. Really, peace is a God-given sign that He is “in the room” and whatever it is that we are sensing peace about, He is in it.
God’s peace is precious. No dollar amount could truly value its worth in our lives. What would you give for continual “quietness, rest, safety, wellness, happiness, and wholeness” of soul? What would you pay for “freedom from agitation”? What would you exchange for the promise to be free from “confusion” and “harassment”? (All either definitions of the Biblical words translated “peace” or its antonyms) If you had a million dollars but didn’t have peace, you’d pay the million for it if you thought that would bring tranquility of mind and heart. You know you would!
Can you see why God wants us to pursue peace? He doesn’t want us harassed by the “flies” and “gnats” of this life—the different pressures (physical, mental, and spiritual) that would try to make our lives a continual misery. He desires that we live in peace (II Corinthians 13:11, I Thessalonians 5:13, Luke 10:5-6). His peace is to accompany us and settle wherever we go. In fact, His peace is a glue that’s supposed to hold us together in a world that tries all it can to split us apart at the seams. That is why in Ephesians 4:3 we read that as a group of believers we should always be “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
Brothers and sisters, your God-designed lot in life is not one of continual agitation. Sure, from time to time we will deal with some unpleasant situations. Until the Lord comes back, this world will always be full of strife. Yet, for those that will look to the Lord, there is a peace available that will overcome. There’s a tranquility of heart and mind that will stabilize us, and help us to retain our joy. Let’s be on the lookout for peace as we walk this path, and when we see it, let’s run after it until it’s firmly in our grasp.
Greg Crum is the pastor of Calvary Temple in Lovely.