Noah’s journey did not begin when he stepped onto the ark. It began hundreds of years before. He had walked with God for centuries before the ark.
In the book of Genesis, the Bible does not say Noah’s father, Lamech, walked with God. Or his grandfather, Methuselah, who lived to the ripe old age of 969 years. Though he is known as the oldest man in the Bible, there is no reference that Methuselah walked with God.
Noah’s great-grandfather, Enoch, was a different story. Genesis 5:21-24 tells his brief biography. In four short verses, we learn significant things. Enoch, who lived 365 years, walked with God, 300 of them. Three hundred. What a testimony. When his life was over, instead of human death, God took him away. Did the family ever stop telling his story? Had Noah heard it all of his life?
Noah was a father in his old age. That made him an excellent waiter-prep for the time on the ark. While all of the men in his family had become fathers at the age of 187 or younger, Noah did not have children until after the age of 500 (Genesis 5:32). Had that concerned him? Did the rest of the family worry? Had he accepted that he probably wasn’t going to be a father at all? Finally, at just the right time, Shem, then Ham and Japheth were born.
Noah followed God in an evil world. When the LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every thought of his heart was only evil all the time, He decided He would wipe mankind from the face of the earth. But. That’s always a good word in the Bible. Wickedness…only evil all the time…wipe away mankind. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
Noah did not falter. God gave Noah a monumental task: build an ark. He told Noah the plan and dimensions. It was a lot: 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, 45 feet high. Noah, who had never seen a flood, obeyed. It took almost 100 years! Back-breaking, monotonous, exhausting work.
Noah was faithful. Genesis 6:22 reports that Noah did everything God commanded him. I bet his great-grandfather, Enoch, would have been proud.
Noah was focused. He built the ark and let God draw the animals (Genesis 7:8-9). Noah didn’t have time to build and gather. He did his part and let God do His.
Noah was fearless. The Bible doesn’t actually say that in so many words, but I guarantee it’s the truth. God told Noah and his family to go into the ark and wait for seven days before it began to rain. Seven days before anything happened. The sounds, the smells, the snakes-oh my. Trapped in the wooden box with every type of beast, bird and reptile? I’m imagining some complaints from the womenfolk.
How does the story of Noah apply to us today? Let’s see. Are you waiting for God to work? Has He given you a difficult task to accomplish? Are you struggling to remain faithful and focused? Do you need strength facing a problem that seems to have you boxed in? The God of Noah is still alive today. Cling to Him! He still works wonders.
“Ah, Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.” (Jeremiah 32:17)
Just ask Noah.