Accused drunken driver charged with endangering child


DEBORD — An accused drunken driver faces charges after her vehicle became stuck June 7 in Debord with a child inside.

Martin County Deputy Sheriff David Adams responded to a 911 call around 9 p.m. about a possibly intoxicated female “with slurred speech.”

The deputy arrived at Blackberry Road to discover a Jeep Wagoneer bottomed out and stuck on a dirt pile with the engine running. The driver, 50-year-old Louisa resident Lucy Burke was passed out with a child inside the vehicle.

The police report states the child, visibly distressed, called out to the deputy, “Please help me.”

Adams reported that Burke attempted to drive the car forward upon waking, but it remained stuck.

The officer said Burke nearly fell as she exited the vehicle, prompting him to catch her.

The deputy noted an alcoholic beverage can on the floorboard near Burke’s feet. He reported a strong odor of alcohol emanating from her breath.

While trying to comfort the “scared and crying” child, Burke staggered and fell on the ground, Adams said.

Officers arrested Burke and transported her to a nearby hospital to medically clear her for jail. During the journey she vomited inside the patrol car and on herself.

Despite consenting to a blood test, Adams said Burke’s behavior turned aggressive at the hospital. She attempted to strike the medical personnel and removed the needle from her arm. Later she kicked one medical staff member and attempted to hit another.

Burke faces charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, endangering the welfare of a minor, and possession of an open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle.

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