Horn appointed to Inez City Commission

Carolynn P. Horn (left) and her daughter Nancy Barker. Horn was appointed to the Inez City Commission last week.


INEZ — Mayor Ed Daniels officially announced the appointment of Carolynn P. Horn as a new commissioner of the City of Inez.

Horn, a seasoned public servant with 30 years of experience as the circuit clerk in Martin County, assumed the position May 31. She will be fulfilling the term of Floyd David Jude, who resigned from the commission last month.

Horn emphasized her commitment to her new role.

“I hope to bring improvement within the city, whatever is needed and affordable,” Horn said Monday.

However, she also stressed the need to assess the city’s financial situation before making any promises. Horn said the current city commissioners possess a better understanding of the finances, and she intends to collaborate closely with them.

Mayor Daniels initially met with hesitation when he approached Horn with the appointment.

“At first, I told them I would rather not do it,” admitted Horn. “But they had no one at this time, so I said, ‘Well, I’ll be happy to try.’”

The new commissioner clarified that while she does not envision running for office in the future, her primary focus is aiding the city.

“I will help my city,” said Horn. “I don’t want to see this city fail.”

During her remarks, Horn expressed admiration for the new flags that the city recently installed, noting their excellent quality. She further assured the citizens of Inez that she would wholeheartedly devote herself to the responsibilities of her role as commissioner.

“I will work as hard as I can for the city,” Horn emphasized. “And if anyone in the city needs to contact me about a problem, they can feel free. I’m a commissioner now. That’s my job.”


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