INEZ — Judge John T. Chafin heard the following cases May 8 and 9 in Martin District Court:
Carol J. Davis (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first: Dismissed, proof shown.
Shannon Goble (arraignment) — Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Pleaded guilty, 22 days to serve, credit time served 22 days, cost waived due to jail service, defendant to remain in custody until other cases are resolved.
Samuel Porter (arraignment) — Resident fishing without a license/permit: Allegations taken as true, $50 fine and cost, show cause 11/9/23.
Michael Walker (arraignment) — Illegal take/pursue deer/wild turkey; resident hunting/trapping without license/permit; hunt without a hunter education course completion card: Order.
Brettney Waller (motion hour) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. No motorcycle operator’s license: 1. Allegations taken as true, $25 fine and cost, show cause 11/7/23; 2. Allegations taken as true, $25 fine; 3. Allegations taken as true, $25 fine.
Brenda Sue Whitt (arraignment) — 1. Improper display of registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. No/expired registration plates; 4. Failure to produce insurance card; 5. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; 6. Failure to wear seat belts: 1-5. Dismissed, proof shown; 6. Dismissed with warning.
Lance Reynolds (jury trial) — Sexual abuse, third degree, amended to harassment (physical contact) no injury: Agreed order.
Joe Blackburn (motion hour) — Criminal littering: One-year diversion on condition the defendant has no new violation of law, DCPT 5/7/24.
Regina D. Cline (pretrial) – Disregarding stop sign; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to register transfer of motor vehicle: Dismissed, proof shown.
Mack Arthur Estepp (pretrial) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Improper display of registration plates; 4. Failure to wear seat belts; 5. No operator’s/moped license; 6. Failure to produce insurance card; 7. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 8. Failure to register transfer of motor vehicle; 9. Failure to notify Department of Transportation of address change: 1. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine; 2-6. Dismissed; 7. Pleaded guilty, $500 fine, suspended $450, and cost, show cause 11/7/23; 8-9. Dismissed.
Lester Finley (review) — Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Reset review 6/6/23 at 9 a.m.
Justin Eric Marcum (pretrial) — Speeding 20 mph over limit; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; no operators/moped license; failure of owner to maintain required insurance, second or greater; failure to produce insurance card; failure to register transfer of motor vehicle; failure to wear seat belts: Reset 8/15/23 at 9 a.m.
John Pack (motion hour) — 1. No operator’s/moped license; 2. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 3. No/expired registration plates; 4. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt: 1. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine; 2-3. Dismissed; 4. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine and cost, show cause 11/7/23.
John G. Pack (pretrial) — Criminal littering: Dismissed in exchange for guilty plea in the two other cases.
John G. Pack (motion hour) — 1. Failure to illuminate head lamps; 2. No tail lamps; 3. No/expired registration plates; 4. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 5. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first: 6. Failure to produce insurance card; 7. No operator’s/moped license; 8. Failure to register transfer of motor vehicle: 1-3. Dismissed; 4. Pleaded guilty, $25; 5. Pleaded guilty, $50 fine, cost, show cause 11/7/23; 6. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine; 7-8. Dismissed.
Regina D. Cline (pretrial) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired registration receipt; failure to register transfer of motor vehicle: Dismissed, proof shown.
Thomas McKade Osborne (pretrial) — Violation of Kentucky EPO/DVO: Pleaded guilty, 30 days, probation two years on condition defendant has no new violation of law or direct or third party contact with Heather Osborne or her property, cost waived.
Thomas Osborne (pretrial) — No operator’s license: Pleaded guilty, $25 fine and cost, show cause 11/7/23.
Ariel Carver (preliminary hearing) — 1. Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; 3. Possession of marijuana; 4. Controlled substance prescription not in original container, first: 1. Pleaded guilty, 12 months, probation one year, must enter and complete treatment at Serenity House; 2. Pleaded guilty, 12 months, same conditions, concurrent; 3. Pleaded guilty, 45 days, same conditions, concurrent; 4. Pleaded guilty, 90 days, same conditions, concurrent, cost, show cause 5/7/24.
Phillip Horn (preliminary hearing) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); possession of marijuana: Bound to grand jury.
Jamie Lee McNeeley (preliminary hearing) — Fleeing or evading police, first degree; fleeing or evading police, second degree (on foot); wanton endangerment, first degree; wanton endangerment, first degree, police officer; license to be in possession; failure to produce insurance card; reckless driving: Waived to grand jury.
Jeffrey Pinson (preliminary hearing) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $1,000-10,000: Waived to grand jury.
Jeffrey Pinson (preliminary hearing) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others; criminal mischief: Waived to grand jury.
Christopher G. Maynard (preliminary hearing) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine): Waived to grand jury.