Fraley and Jude resign from Inez commission

Commissioner Terry Fraley reaches his resignation letter to the city clerk during Thursday’s Inez City meeting. (Citizen photo)

City must fill vacancies


INEZ — The City of Inez Commission is two members less following the resignations of Commissioners Terry Fraley and Floyd David Jude.

Fraley tendered a resignation letter, effective at the adjournment of the city meeting Thursday evening.

City clerk Lisa Mollette read the letter to the commission.

“It has always been a pleasure to serve the citizens of Inez during many of the past 15 years, but I’ve come to a point at this time where I am unable to fulfill the obligations of my elected position,” Fraley’s letter read. “As a member of this community, I will continue to keep up with city business. It is my hope the city will prosper and grow in the future.”

Mayor Ed Daniels confirmed that Jude had also resigned April 17.

“So we have until the next meeting to replace him,” Daniels said.

Daniels read Jude’s letter of resignation into the record.

“I would like to thank the citizens of Inez for electing me as their commissioner. I wish nothing but the best for the city,” stated Jude’s letter.

The commission unenthusiastically voted to accept both resignations and will have 30 business days from the date of each resignation to fill the vacancies.

“That was about pitiful, wasn’t it?” Commissioner Jennifer Wells commented.

Both Fraley and Jude won their seats in November 2022. Fraley had previously served 10 years as a commissioner and 10 years as Inez mayor.

Town beautification

Commissioner Jennifer Wells said Addiction Recovery Care residents had not started working around town due to the weather, but they plan to start cleaning up around trails in town and at King Fisher next week. According to Wells, they also plan to work on the flower boxes in town.

“I’m hoping they’ll be able to do the flower boxes within the next week,” Wells said.

Street report

The mayor gave the street report, saying street worker Terrill Crum had been busy doing his usual work last month. Daniels reported that the city replaced tin on the walk bridge, installed grills at the park, and painted the park shelter floors.

The commission approved appointing Commissioner Roy Penix as the temporary street commissioner.

According to Daniels, Inez resident Phyllis Conrad requested a half-moon curb in front of her property on Main Street.

“If it’s connected to the sidewalk, we might be able to do that, but we can’t go onto property that isn’t the city’s,” said Daniels.

The mayor said he would speak to the city’s attorney about the curb and report to the commission.

Budget, financials, pedway

The city voted to pay bills and conducted the first reading of the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget.

The mayor, commissioners and guests discussed the funding status for the Rockcastle Pedway project that Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has failed to deliver for the last 14 years. (See the related story.)

The next city meeting will be a special meeting June 1. Daniels announced the commission would not meet for the regularly scheduled meeting June 8.

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