Luke 13:10-13 tells a beautiful story of what Jesus can do in someone’s life: “On a Sabbath when Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, a woman was there who had been crippled for 18 years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and said to her, ‘Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.’ Then He put His hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.”
I wonder what that woman did after Jesus healed her. She had looked down for 18 years. Did she ever quit looking at the sky? Did she ever stop smiling?
Bible stories about physical healing make me all melty. That’s probably why the Book of Luke is my very favorite. When I read about the blind man seeing, the deaf hearing, the woman with the issue of blood and others, I slip my toes into their sandals trying to relive every second. But really and truly, it’s the miracles of the lame being able to walk that move me most.
That was me.
Twelve years ago this week, I had a total hip replacement and it changed my life.
In the late ‘80s, I was sure something was wrong. Instead of being a genius-or even a little smart-and going to a doctor, I diagnosed myself. I have never been to medical school, by the way. It was even before online medical searches. Yet, I was sure I knew exactly what my problem was. I began walking more so my legs would be strong when my self-diagnosed illness struck hardest. (Made it worse.) I wrapped my leg in ace bandages constantly and limped everywhere I went. I was in constant pain but never went to the doctor.
Twenty-plus years into it, I could barely walk and knew I wouldn’t be able to work much longer. Finally, finally, I went to our family doctor. It took one, yes, ONE X-ray to show what the problem was.
The Lord led me to an amazing orthopedic surgeon: Jeffrey Selby with UK Sports Medicine. On the morning of the surgery, with IV in place and waiting for my turn, Dr. Selby came by and said, “Your hip is really bad. But we are going to make it better.” And they did. Twelve years ago. I like to call it my Hip-iversary. My favorite phrase this week is “Hip, hip, hooray!”
My hip was misshapen from birth, but I hadn’t known it until decades later. Dr. Selby replaced my worn-out ball and socket with a porcelain joint. It was a game-changer. Not only can I walk upright, but I am also out of pain.
Our hearts are misshapen from birth by sin. When we allow Jesus to come into our lives, He replaces that old sinful heart with a new one filled with the Holy Spirit. It’s a game-changer. We can walk upright with Him and His help every single day.
Countless times in the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses told the people of Israel to remember what the LORD had done. Oh, I do! I absolutely do and want to shout, “Praise the Lord and hip, hip, hooray!”