On the outside, I looked fabulous: a new white wig in place, pink sparkly cat-eyed glasses, and a puffy pink gown with lots of tulle and glitter. Below the surface, not so much. The fear of being pulled over or in an accident kept me driving very carefully.
I have the absolute privilege of being the Tooth Fairy for some elementary schools in our area. It’s magical fun where I get to share with kids of all ages about the importance of caring for their teeth. It’s a fun opportunity I’ve had for years, but it was grounded during the years of COVID.
I don’t know about you, but during COVID, my shape changed. I embodied Luke 2:52, which says, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature …” I have indeed grown in wisdom since COVID and also in stature, but I’ll just say I haven’t gotten taller. When I got a call several weeks ago that the Tooth Fairy was needed once again, there was great concern that the gown would still fit.
It did, but just barely. And so, it seemed that I would need help in the form of stretchy material to squeeze everything together. In the wardrobe assistance aisle at Walmart, I was befuddled. Should I choose the size I currently am or the size I desire to be? After going back and forth, I made my purchase. On the way home, I hoped I hadn’t chosen poorly.
For the special day, I was restrained by not one but two layers of miraculously stretchy assistance. It was difficult to breathe. As I slowly made my way to the school, I couldn’t help smiling. Bible verses came to mind about being “girded up.” This was surely how that felt!
Psalm 18:39 speaks of being girded with strength for battle, while Psalm 30:11 applied to the day.
The KJV was the best: “Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing…and girded me with gladness.” There would be dancing AND gladness at the elementary school today!
Spandex or rubbery, stretchy stuff can hold me fast, but nothing, NOT ONE SINGLE THING, holds me faster and tighter than the right hand of my Father in heaven (Psalm 139:10)
In His hand, I am secure, no matter what the day holds. Through the valley, through the storm, in sickness or heartache, He is with me. I am His; that’s the best place to be.
At the school, the kids were gathered in the library. We talked about how important it is to brush, especially before bed and had silly fun pretending to brush and floss. We played “Tooth Fairy says” and danced a little. Then, I read my favorite tooth book. They had lots of things they wanted to ask me. One little girl, perhaps a future detective, asked very pointed questions. I got out of there before they figured out my true identity.
Still girded with gladness, I traveled home very slowly, thankful my new wig hadn’t come off in the middle of everything.