Martin County Water manager resigns, takes job at Paintsville Utilities


INEZ — The Martin County Water District general manager Craig Miller has resigned to take a job working for Paintsville Utilities.

Miller tendered his resignation Feb. 27 to Alliance Water Resource, the contractor that manages MCWD.

According to Miller, he starts work April 3 for Paintsville.

“I am proud of the work that Alliance has done in Martin County and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of making the Martin County utility district a stronger and more sustainable utility,” Miller told the Mountain Citizen.

Miller and Alliance took over the Martin County Water District on Jan. 1, 2020.

“My decision to move to Paintsville has many reasons, but primarily my hope for a more quiet time in my life,” said Miller. “My boys are in high school and I am looking forward to being around more for them.”

Tony Sneed, Alliance vice president and director of operations, did not comment on a replacement for Miller.

“We are grateful for the three years of service that Craig gave to Alliance and the customers of the Martin County water and sewer districts,” Sneed said.

“Alliance is a team of dedicated professionals, and while Craig may have been the face locally of corporate support, there have always been many people working behind the scenes, and they remain actively involved. Our goal continues to be providing professional and sustainable management of both the water and sewer districts.”

Miller’s resignation comes amid the ongoing struggle with both the water and sewer systems in Martin County, including frequent and lengthy water outages and a financially broke sewer system with constant failures and leaks into streams.

“We recognize that there are still many challenges to be addressed,” said Sneed. “That will continue to be our focus. Over the coming months a team of professionals will be working together in support of the local staff to ensure that there is no drop in the level of service you have come to expect and that the transition is seamless.”

Sneed said employees would continue doing their daily work. “My job will be to guide the entire Alliance team to ensure their success and the success of both districts.”

According to the chairman of the water and sewer boards, Jimmy Don Kerr, Miller will continue working in Martin County until the end of the month.


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