On Sunday mornings, I worship in a warm, cozy sanctuary. I lift my frequently-offkey voice in songs of praise. I sing words that tell of chains being gone, of freedom, of God making a way, of His blessings. I sometimes raise my hands, though I am more prone to do it at home. I wear bright colors of my choosing.
Two weeks ago, Lee Rust of Forever Freedom Ministries had the opportunity to return to KCIW (KY Correctional Institute for Women) in Louisville. It was her first visit back since COVID (2020). I had the privilege of joining her. For many months, her prayer and her heart’s desire had been to break through the restrictions to be able to meet inmates there to study God’s Word. Finally, finally, the fullness of time arrived. We were so excited that neither of us had slept the night before. I kept singing, “This is the day that the Lord has made.” And it was!
Women in khaki uniforms came with big smiles and Bibles to hear a long-awaited word. They filled the small chapel, listened attentively, sang with all their hearts, and lifted their hands heavenward. They sang of chains being gone, of being free, of God making a way, of His blessings. Prison is not like jail. While many we see at the county jail are still in denial, the women of KCIW have been tried and found guilty. Some will serve years as a consequence of their crimes. Many of them will never ever be released. Yet, they praised the Lord.