You can lose about 1 pound a week if you try. If you don’t try you won’t lose any.
If you need to save some money then you need to pay yourself first. If you have a paycheck coming in, then set a goal of $500 a month if possible. Whatever the amount is will grow if you are faithful each week and month of setting money aside.
You can always find a place to spend money. Even if you don’t need it, you have it just in case you might.
What do you want to accomplish in 2023?
If you do not have a goal of some kind, you will accomplish nothing. Maybe your goal is just to enjoy each day. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your family and friends. Make the best of each day. These are good goals.
Be good to yourself in 2023. Love others as you love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, it’s almost impossible to love others. Recently we have heard of people committing suicide. They had given up on themselves but wanted to hurt or kill others before they killed themselves. It’s tragic when people so hate themselves that they want to hurt others. If people love themselves more, then they won’t have so much venom and hate for others.
One of the tools of the devil is to bring your life down to where you hate all the things you’ve done. He brings it up to you often so you can feel horrible about your life’s mistakes. People often have trouble forgiving themselves, so they begin to binge drink, take drugs and hurt themselves to try to deal with their life’s pain.