Martin County Water District Workgroup to meet Dec. 7

Video conference will start at 1 p.m.

FRANKFORT — The Martin County Water District Workgroup will meet by videoconference Dec. 7 from 1–3 p.m.

If you have questions about connecting to the videoconference, please contact Kim Greenidge at 502-782-6630.

Join Zoom Meeting at

Meeting ID: 820 9060 1303

One tap mobile:

+13126266799,,82090601303# US (Chicago)

+16469313860,,82090601303# US


•Welcome and opening remarks – EEC Secretary Rebecca Goodman

•Introductions and announcements – DEP Deputy Commissioner Amanda LeFevre

•Update of MCWD operations – Alliance Water Resources Division Manager Craig Miller

•Projects update

•Update from the Division of Water – Director Carey Johnson

•Open discussion – Facilitated by Amanda LeFevre

•Future workgroup meeting proposed date and time

•March 8, 2023, 1–3 p.m.



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