WARFIELD — The Warfield City Commission voted Thursday to lower the property tax rate for fiscal year 2022-2023.
The rate drops from 9.8 cents to 9.6 cents per $100 of assessed value on real, personal and tangible property, excluding motor vehicles and watercraft.

Honoring military hero
The commission will honor the first Martin County soldier killed in the Vietnam War by displaying a memorial plaque with his photo in City Hall.
“[PFC Danny Russell Ward] lived at the foot of Buck Creek Mountain for years,” said Mayor Ronald Workman. “I just want something to let people know who he is and what he did.”
Ward, born Aug. 27, 1946, was attached to the U.S. Army 173rd Airborne Brigade, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry, B Company. His military occupation was light weapons infantry.
Ward was 19 years old when he began his tour Sept. 23, 1965.
On Nov. 8, 1965, elements of Ward’s platoon were on a search-and-clear operation in the infamous Iron Triangle region northeast of Saigon when they stumbled headlong into a Communist ambush. Ward’s platoon had separated into four separate squads when suddenly the lead squad, including Ward, was completely mowed down by a burst of machine gun and mortar fire.
In 2021, the Martin County Fiscal Court adopted a resolution naming a section of Route 40 from mile-point 16.2 to mile-point 19.2 PFC Danny Russell Ward Memorial Highway.
“The AMVETS named our post after him,” said Workman.
Ward’s name is on Panel 3E, Line 38 of the Wall of Faces and will be read Nov. 7 at 5:44 p.m.
Dilapidated property
The commission discussed cleaning up the former Paul Johnson property.
“We just need to go ahead and get it cleaned up and send Danita [Copley] the bill,” said Workman.
The city has already expended funds working on the lot.
“We need to itemize the cost and file a lien on the property,” added Workman.