Telling the Story: Taking your medicine


A few weeks ago, I missed Wednesday night church because I was sick. I had blisters in my throat and a terrible cough.

When my Vietnamese friend heard I was sick, she called to give me advice. My voice squeaked when I answered, but she knew it was me. “Swirl honey around in your mouth and it will help the blisters,” she instructed. Great. I hate honey. Of course, it would be honey.

“Get some ginger root and chew on it, too,” she continued. “It will take care of your cough.” She said if I couldn’t find it at Food City, she had some. I hate ginger, too.

Because she was being so kind as to give me natural remedies, I thought I would give them a try. What did I have to lose?

My beloved loves honey. Taking a large spoonful from his jar, I swirled it in my mouth and nearly puked. (Why couldn’t it be chocolate pudding or Cool Whip that would help?) I couldn’t wait to rinse my mouth but waited for it to take effect.

The next day, wearing an N95 mask, I searched the produce section of Food City for ginger root. It’s pricy, so I only got a small chunk just in case it didn’t work.

At home, I peeled it and stuck a one-inch piece in my mouth. I chewed it, as instructed. It numbed my entire mouth, throat and down into my chest. I couldn’t wait to spit it out.

It tasted terrible, but you know what? It worked. The ginger root had the effect of a mentholated cough drop.

After a steady intake of over-the-counter sinus/cold meds, honey and ginger root, I’m all better. I’ve found that many medicines work, but they often just taste bad.

The Bible is helpful medicine for our lives. Applying it daily is good for us and absolutely crucial. Hebrews 4:12 reports, “The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Sometimes it goes down easy. Sometimes it burns like ginger root.

When Hebrews 4:12 says it “penetrates even to the spirit, joints, and marrow,” it’s true. Have you ever read a Scripture that convicted you to your soul? Has a story ever applied so much to your own life that it took your breath? Has a written event in God’s Word spoken to you deeply, directed your steps perfectly or stopped you in your tracks? Mmmm. That’s good medicine.

My beloved and I have been on a regimen of vitamin supplements since COVID invaded. It includes Vitamins B, C, D and zinc. The very best thing we can do to live spiritually healthy is to have a big daily dose of GW: God’s Word.

It’s way better than ginger root.


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