LOS ANGELES — Louisa construction worker Noah Thompson moves on to the “American Idol” Top 3 after his performance in Sunday night’s episode.
Thompson will be competing in the final round of “American Idol” live this Sunday, May 22 at 8 p.m. on ABC.
On Sunday night’s episode, Thompson performed “So Small” by Carrie Underwood, country superstar and winner of American Idol Season 4. Underwood was a guest coach for the remaining contestants last week and worked with Thompson via video chat as he was still quarantining in his hotel room in Los Angeles after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
Underwood was moved to tears on Sunday night’s episode by Noah’s story of coming from a small town and inspiring others to chase their dreams.
Thompson also performed “Working Man” by Larry Fleet. The judges continued to praise Thompson. Lionel Richie encouraged viewers to vote for Thompson, Katy Perry said that Noah “passed that test” and Luke Bryan said to Noah “You on a barstool with a guitar could hold [the attention of] any room in any world you’re in.”
After his live onstage performance, the judges praised Thompson and encouraged him to lean into his new status as an icon and interact more with the audience.
Of the remaining 5 contestants Sunday, viewers selected Thompson to be one of the Top 3 to continue in the competition.
Viewers may vote by text, online at idolvote.abc.com, and on the American Idol app up to 10 times per voting method, allowing each viewer up to a total of 30 votes.
Only one episode remains for viewers to select the next American Idol, with the show concluding this Sunday, May 22.
The Lawrence County Tourism Commission has announced plans for Thompson’s homecoming celebration on May 17. Festivities will include a parade through Louisa at 7 p.m. followed by a concert at the LCHS football field featuring Noah Thompson and others.
An “American Idol” camera crew will be joining Noah for his homecoming trip, documenting his visit home.